Author: gstyle

Myplanet UK Solar Panels ...... A Warning !!!

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26-11-2019 03:54:43 Mobile | Show all posts
Has anyone managed to calculate the value of third way option from Sun Edision.  

This appears to work a bit like the free solar , however they own the panels and sell you back the power you use.  However you keep the FIT .  The thing I liked is they seem to have a great option of decommission cost fixed at 1500 if you want to sell house and new owner does not want system.  In my eyes roll forward 10 years and they will probable just charge the 1500 and say keep the kit.

I do finances for a zero carbon house builder client so am exploring some new future options.

For others I have been exploring most companies in the south and 6k should get you the micro inverters and Canadian solar black panels X16 for a 4kw system with 20 year warranty systems from manufacture.

I am exploring bringing to market a combined 1) PV system similar specs , 2)Air source heat pump major manufacturer, and 3)battery storage. company are now looking at this as a set renewables package.

We suspect cost of package will be about 13k installed however the FIT   RHI  when combined the power storage will with the real winner.

Really aiming for a paid for in 10 years total solution from savings and FIT/RHI thus free to end user for life thereafter.  In addition looking at the possibility a a similar rental with perhaps a small ownership transfer cost along the lines of Sun Edison at the end of 10 years rental to allow future ownership.

What would be thoughts?
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26-11-2019 03:54:43 Mobile | Show all posts
Very interesting (imho), and i am no expert in this field, though i have a good grasp for technical subjects. as one who declined the other options this will need deeper investigation just as thoroughly in individual circumstances, so this could be a problem if your 'green builder' decides to roll it out on his future builds.

As example, he/she might fit lamnate floors as standard, where many prefer carpets or tiles, so his potential buyers pool is reduced to those who like laminate - and in that colour to .

There is still a lot of confussion in the general public about the claimed financial benefits, in some ways a bit like American wrestlng, i enjoy the show, razmataz and accept it as mainly pre-ordained (apparently just like FIFA lol!).

The reps dn't help in the decissun in the clients mind good, or bad, the array of projected 'facts and figures' your bombarded with serve only to confuse a potential buyer, relate this to the vast range of buyers who may ar may not want solar panels it starts to get messy in added time spent on selling pre-installed solar systems.

I relate it to when i go out to sell security systems, most people know what one is and the benifits yet most people don't have one until they unfortunately are burgled. Add that to there are rouge high charging companies as well as good honest fair ones - so how do you as the buyer tell the difference?

It's the same with Solar systems, high price is no guarentee of quality, might be the trader is taking advantage of ignorance, will the latest highest output pv panels will be installed? How quckly will they effect any repairs and so on.

After all of that your future power generation is only estimated usually at 4kwt, and thats the FIT upper level - could be more or less, so how do you ever feel so confident it won't just be 1kwt most of the time?

Just my individual jaundiced views, as for your client, i suggest he offer the systems as an option which likely at the right levels he could get a discounted price on.

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 03:54:43 Mobile | Show all posts
You have done well to get that out of them. MOD EDIT: Rule 7. I decided to respond to an add with my planet for Solar Sales Reps. As the recommendation reports from the EPCs were bringing solar up as one of the recommendations that could make a building jump a band say from a C to a B. It was a two day course and they were paying for accommodation so I thought why not? Got there to a load of complete sales patter from ex double glazing sales people but they were supplying the leads so I thought OK. I had made it clear to them that I had other work but would be able to do a couple of appointments a day. The other people on this had NO background in the industry with NO tech now how and were basically just feed this brain washing sales script. We had fitted low voltage solar systems on caravans and boats so I had a lot more idea of how solar works although fitting DC systems is a bit different. So then it started being sent to peoples houses miles away getting no mileage expenses or basic and most of the time turning up to someone who had no idea why I was there. The manager was a complete TIT ringing me up making false promises and demanding to know why I was out doing my normal job and not waiting for leads from them. I told him "listen sunshine I don't work for you, I've got no contract so you can do one!!" Then came the apology and to add to the cheek asked me to drive 100 miles to help train some new sales reps!!. This is when I went looking for another company that gave extensive contracts and used computer technology not just a load of scribbles on a piece of paper and a over the top SAP calculation. I'm pleased to say I NEVER SOLD ONE OF THEIR SYSTEMS so my conscious is clear. You can get a 4KW system for 5K but you get what you pay for. There are companies now offering 20 year guarantees on string inverters knowing full well they don't last that long just to get the sales.
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 03:54:43 Mobile | Show all posts
Just my two pennyworth regarding free solar. I have been offering free solar now for nearly four years with various different funders ( and no...not for A Shade Greener ). The issue about having trouble selling your house after they have been installed has largely been banded about by the companies that actually sell them. They obviously do not want to lose a potential sale and will diss free solar for a pastime. The fact is, borne out by estate and agents and the banks is that a house that has solar panels is more likely to sell over one that hasn't. People are looking for more green affordable houses now and are switched on to the benefits of solar pv and other products that are out there.. Look across the road. Imagine there are two houses for sale, both for the same money and are exactly the same in each detail except that one house will give you free electricity during the day and the other wont. Which one would you gravitate to?
Please do not get worrying that people will not be able to buy your house. All the mainstream and High Street mortgage companies are fine with it and are on our approved list. It is only your back street smaller obscure lenders that seem to have the problem.
Not everybody can afford or wish to pay out for paid solar and are glad that there are schemes out there such as ours. If people wish to purchase then that is fine but please do not scare off those that would rather rent their roof out and get the benefits of a reduced electricity bill. Each to their own surely?
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 03:54:44 Mobile | Show all posts
In my opinion stay away from MY PLANET  - Whilst the panels seem OK, their customer service is appalling - I had a fault over Christmas and reported is straight away and to this end I have had nothing but trouble trying to get somebody out to fix the fault - I even contacted the MD (Mark Bonifacio) and after a brief reply, nothing happened - I contacted their engineer in Scotland who is next to useless - never returns calls and just doesn't care - I complained again to Mark and 2 other departments and nobody has had the decency to reply - I feel like they just don't care about their customers once they have got your hard earned cash. After the experience I have received from them,I would not recommend this company at all and give them a wide berth..
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

26-11-2019 03:54:44 Mobile | Show all posts
I have a 4KW, 16 panel, system that was installed by My Planet ion 31st July 2013 ar a cost of approx £8750. All was OK for the first 2 and a half years and then the inverter went wrong. I contacted My Planet and they said they would send an engineer out. The engineer eventually arrived on 9/3/13 and said I was correct, it was the Mastervolt 4300 XS inverter but that he didn't carry spares so would order one in and have it fitted. I waited but never heard again so rang back about 3 times and got fobbed off with stories like, "our engineer has not reported back yet", "We can't contact the engineer" and "I know nothing about it, you will need to call back" Eventually I went on holiday and when i got back, I tried to contact My Planet, but discovered on their website that they had gone into liquidation. I was assured on the website that I had no need to worry because i was covered by a 10 year insurance backed guarantee, should anything go wrong. It said to call HIES on 0344 324 5242. I did this to register my fault and somebody looked up my installation and said that I had nothing to worry about, I was covered by the 10 year insurance backed warranty. I was told that once My Planet had been dissolved on the Companies House Register I would be sent a claim form. I waited and waited then eventually received a claim form. I sent it off with copies of receipts, completion certificates T's&C's etc and received an acknowledgment back from a company called IBG (who just happen to be in the same building HIES) After exchanging several letters, they wanted to see my Guarantee Certificate. I had never received a certificate as such even though I believe I should have received this from an insurance company appointed by HIES at the time of the installation. I was told that My Planet sometimes issued warranties for 2 years and sometimes for 10 years and unless I could prove my installation was covered for 10 years they would not help me or honor the guarantee. They sent me two very amateurish pieces of paper claiming that they were copies of the 2 and 10 year warranties but I don't believe it for one minute. Does anybody else have these? Also, I discovered today that "My Planet" have just changed their name from My Planet Solar Limited have started up again at exactly the same address but with a different company number. I very much need to know if anybody else received a warranty certificate, how long was it for and if I could see a copy of it please.
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26-11-2019 03:54:44 Mobile | Show all posts
I investigated solar panels a few years back (as i discussed elsewhere).

One of the issues i feared was knowing the FIT was going to be reduced, because all the installers made a big play on it.

I was not sure the 'band wagon' cheapy installers would honour their warranties or be able to, simply because of less take up due to less atractive savings and forcing them to quit.

As for the free install options my nephew had his done this way, mindful he would be moving within a few years, actually to prevent any ownership problems, and he sold his house in Hull within a week.

The housing shortage imho means it is minor issue against not owning a home or even having one, he found it was actually a desirable accessory to all the viewing buyers.

If a young couple bought they will likely be squeezing their finance to the limit, having solar already installed raises the perceived value if savings to be made through free electricity.

So take your pick on what feels right for you.

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26-11-2019 03:54:44 Mobile | Show all posts
Be warned, I have 16 panels put up by My Planet in 2013, and I have been getting regular feed in tariffs from SEE I got a cold call advising me that My Planet have ceased trading, and the Government are offering a free inspection, to see if the system is working.
I agreed to this, feeling that something was not quite right, and yesterday I had the visit from this chap ( turned up in jeans) anyway, I let him see the system, and then came the sell!! Apparently we are all in danger of a serious fire, as the inverters we have are only good for 5 years, then thy MAY over heat and cause a fire, this he had video of, and I challenged him over how many have caught fire, in the hundreds that have been installed, he could only quote the one.
Bottom line is, he wanted me to invest £5,500.00 to up date my system to his (Solar edge) stating that I would get 25% increase in output and would get in terms of savings over 25 years, £54,000.00! he was surprised I never snatched his hand off. Needless to say, I said goodbye to him and I will take a chance on mine catching fire.
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26-11-2019 03:54:45 Mobile | Show all posts
Well done Tony I have had the same call and just said the company that installed it inspected it last month as a matter of course. Inverters are only about £750 so no more than £1000 installed.
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26-11-2019 03:54:45 Mobile | Show all posts
Classic case of selling using the FUD technique - fear, uncertainty and doubt.
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