Nice link!
Very useful information there, though I still don't know EXACTLY which Worcester model I have now thanks to all those abbreviations. At least I know that it can't be more than 20 years' old.
No, there's no problem with the boiler at the moment, it's all working fine. But it probably will have to be replaced at some point as Worcester will stop issuing replacement parts, so if it does break down and can't be fixed (usually in the depths of Winter), then I will have to arrange a complete boiler replacement whilst having no heating or hot water.
The gas engineer was great, a guy from a local firm. He said I DON'T have to replace it if I don't want to, that I could just wait for it to fail, but that it would be prudent to do so just in case. He suggested waiting until next Spring and do online research in the meantime, hence the query.
I'm not too bothered about recouping the financial cost through energy savings (though it's always nice to pay less for your energy), but I would like to do anything to reduce my CO2 emissions and the money is there, I'm just undecided about which manufacturer to go for.
Thanks for your reply! |