Not happening.
Not in the army:
'Shocking' recruitment figures show Army Reserve barely growing - Telegraph
And the RNR? You serious? Private Eye: 12 June - 25 June 2015 Page 13.
"After a £5 million campaign far more Royal Navy personnel are leaving the service than joining it. At a time when a lot of new technology including two new carriers are about to arrive and just when the Navy has a job to do rescuing migrants from Libya.
According to the MOD's monthly personnel reports the Navy in 2007 had 39,400 regulars and 540 reservists in 2014 it had 33,080 regulars and 580 reservists.
In 2013 alone intake from civilian life was 2,770 while outflow was 4,350, a loss of over 1,500 trained officers.
Latest figures give a trained strength of just 23,260. According to the MOD this is almost 7,000 below the minimum to man the fleet fully.
Meanwhile the number of reservists being recruited has barely changed since the SDR of 2010 despite it having a big increase to counter reductions among regular ranks. This is the principal reason the MOD is desperate to throw money at advertising campaigns.
The review was designed to shrink the navy down to 30,000 by 2020. In it's hurry to reach the target early, the navy provided an easy escape for sailors but holed below the water its ability to crew its own ships."
As I said at the time it wasn't going to happen. You still think the regulars will all leave and be reservists. Never mind, the government thought that to so you are in good company.
Link here:
http://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN02183/SN02183.pdf |