The Work Related Support Group is now going to get £30 less a week for new claimants - many people (most) with disabilities fall into this group including myself.
With long term help and support, I may well be able to get back into work, but for that's a long term goal. With treatment having to be paid out of my own money, contributing to rent and council tax, getting £75 a week simply would not be enough to live off. I am already struggling with a large electricity bill I can't pay, a notice to seek repossession of the flat from the council and a summons for council tax payments.
I managed to get help last year from Shelter to manage some of my issues and communicate with the council on my behalf to resolve rent/council tax arrears (it's a lack of communication from me due to illness that causes these issues to escalate).
However, I could only get support for a limited period of time, and now I am back to trying to look after myself and getting into severe difficulties all over again - all down to not having someone to help me talk to the council or other services.
I took PIP to tribunal stage last month but lost my case .... it's stacked against people with mental health issues.
One of the last comments the Judge said before I left was that "I could do these things if I 'chose to'".
Now I am in a position of probably having to end my therapy sessions which were my last hope of getting better because I simply can't continue to pay for them.
My living environment and personal welfare is simply not conducive to someone trying to get well, but there is no way on earth I can afford to get in help to improve it and it simply won't happen if it's left to me.
I desperately wanted to end my life after the PIP tribunal ruling, but I can't do it to my mum, so I am left flipping between being in a dissociated state of simply not accepting the reality of my situation and feeling like my life is one long prison sentence.
What really makes me choke back vomiting is when we are told that people that really need the help will get it to justify cuts and reductions as though only people who are skiving and dodging work living the doley lifestyle will be targeted.
How on earth is reducing benefits for the disabled and ill ie the reduction by 30% of ESA for most applicants 'targeting the work shy' ? |