She seems to me to be one of those MP's that has fallen into the post modern thinking camp like Jess Phillips.
Everything's a social construct to them and a result of privilege and patriarchy dictating the reality of our lives.
Any evidence or common sense that refutes or questions what they are saying is simply down to prejudice and bias that has created a false version of reality where we believe it's true evidence and common sense so that men, white people, power mongers or whom ever else is ruling over us remain in control.
The irony is, that they are right in some ways. There are systems and ideologies that create a false version of reality where people believe something to be common sense and evidence - they belong to one of those very ideologies.
What they and their peer groups believe to be the truth, based on feelings, emotions and simply beliefs without evidence is their universal truth and anything else is simply wrong.
There is sexism, racism, bigotry and prejudice in our society and everywhere else. However, it's not by everyone and in everything. There are some people who are very prejudiced, many that have minor prejudices and some that have hardly any.
These true believers are doing a disservice to people who are genuinely harmed or held back by prejudice by making it look like a complete farce and giving ammunition to those with prejudices to convince less prejudiced people to dismiss discrimination as a fantasy created by these idiots.
* I believe most of us have minor prejudices, it's part of being human, that also includes people who also are on the receiving end of prejudice as well, as many of them will have their own prejudices - it's pretty universal. It's when it's systemic and seriously effects peoples lives that it's a real problem. |