It's some guy, not sure how far back but a long time, who wrote a book that claims the West should influx immigrants from third world countries, and interbreeding should be mass encouraged, so you end up with one race somehow and one government in Europe will rule them. Now he wrote other things that are considered the basis of Europe and the EU.
Read the link and see if you would consider it a conspiracy theory or it's happening?
Here's some random link about the prize that is awarded under the guys name every two years.
the Coudenove-Kalergi prize |
I should have separated the two topics to be honest, the flag issue I see as ridiculous and thought I'd throw it it there.
But this genocyde plan of Europe I thought was an interesting topic to discuss.
Angela was given the award also for her contribution to the plan:
Bundeskanzlerin | European Prize for the Chancellor |