In the case Aysha King case..
'A High Court judge approved the move to take Ashya to Prague for proton therapy, which the PTC said is more effective than the radiotherapy Ashya was being offered on the NHS.
It limits the collateral damage of radiation to other vital organs, such as the heart and liver in Ashya's case. This would lead to less severe long-term side-effects including heart and breathing problems.'
Brain tumour boy Ashya King is free of cancer after proton therapy, parents say
Note that this judgement was after the public outcry. As you say, he is not fully in the clear but clearly not a seriously damaged, which was the most likely outcome if the Proton Therapy had not been used. Please don't think I am rubbishing doctors. What I am totally against, is one set of doctors advice being enforced by the heavy hand of the law.
As tapz says....
How can that be right? |