He's like most Presidents using executive orders to bypass Capitol Hill, but in the past executive orders have been used sparingly (you could I suppose compare them with the Parliament Acts). Trump is using them in a dictatorial way, he'll love the court cases as that will just whip his supporters up into a frenzy "The Establishment is persecuting me for trying to make America Great Again folks. It's true believe me". Then you have the militia groups just itching for a fight with the Federal Government. It's a quite combustible situation if things go in a certain direction.
He will likely issue an executive order that will breach the Constitution at some point. That's when the fireworks will really start. The Koch Brothers are not happy with Trump by the sounds of it and they often play a crucial role in getting Republicans elected in terms of money. Mid terms are around the corner, so it's conceivable the Koch Brothers will decide to not fund Republicans if they are dithering over Trump. I firmly believe the GOP will rue the day they let Donald Trump run for the nomination and ergo President.
It comes down to choosing between what is right and what is easy. Politicians go for the easy option and ignore human rights abuses, civil wars and refugee crises if Trade/Economics is involved, while we the people consume entertainment and switch off from the news most of the time, unless something truly shocking happens (man made or natural).
Mostly those kinds of crises have barely touched the Western World up until now and natural disasters are fairly rare (the US is a bit more vulnerable due to hurricanes, tornadoes and geological processes).
But the easy option is not so easy now and the right course of action (solve the world's problems one step at a time over the long term) is counter to the anger in voters. Politicians are pragmatic creatures before morals come into the picture. The US was built upon a myth, that looks like it's crumbling into dust. They are moralistic when it suits them, and utterly without mercy if American interests are under threat i.e. Drone Bombings or Issuing Economic Sanctions.
As for Terrorists ? This is a gift to them. It means they can peddle the "America discriminates against Muslims and only likes a certain type of people" trope to the those susceptible to the ideology of modern Jihad. Giving up certain freedoms in exchange for security is another win for Jihadists. Either our Freedoms are strong enough to withstand the onslaught or we should just wave a white flag now. |