Is the subjective opinion of a patient regarding pain of no matter?
"Doctor, I no longer feel pain"!
"Don't be stupid, there is no evidence to suggest that you no longer feel pain"!

On the other side of the argument, I once watched a tv program where, from memory, a once very fit bloke had a motorcycle accident and tragically became a quadriplegic. A terribly sad story of a decent man and a father.
The NHS, unsurprisingly, could not help him.
So he went to China where, in my opinion, he was scammed by a doctor who convinced him that they had radical new stem cell treatment. The hospital was full of people who previously 'couldn't' walk, but miraculously could after the 'treatment'. Strangely, none of those example patients appeared to be westerners with any money.
On return to the UK, the bloke went to see his doctor. The chap was convinced that he could wiggle a finger more effectively than previously, and bless him he clearly hoped that this was a sign of better things to come. The doctor could see no improvement.
In this, very tragic, case, the chap clearly perceived a benefit, but alas there was none that any outside observer could perceive. |