I don't deny them anything as you can and should pay for those services. When the mind is involved in illness its a very different process from conventional medicine. Get ill with a failing liver, cancer, broken bones, furred up arteries and the body responds to straight conventional medicine. With mind induced illness ( not mental illness, depression or anxiety although they can be helped ) its best if there is a contract otherwise a dependency can develop which stops the success of the treatment. The best way of doing that is to establish a 100% need to change by token exchange and money fits that bill very well as its less messy than contracts written in blood and other weird rituals.
If there is no cost then the patient is often unwilling to give up the wooden leg and the treatment just becomes enfolded into the drama. I have helped cure people of various phobias and fears utilising a kind of voodoo ;-) success was higher when the client made that contractual exchange. Took I while to understand the mechanism, but essentially free things have no, or little value in people's minds so they don't really commit anything and that reduces the effect. |