Blimey, another one with too much time on their hand. So Disney movies are yet again under fire, apparently the Prince should not have kissed Snow White to break the spell without her consent.
To be fair on Kristen I think her comments have been taken a bit to the extreme, the researchers and other studies however...really? - The Washington Post
I can't help but laugh, it's a fairy tale
What is next, should the bible be rewritten as it will upset snowflakes since obviously God had raped Mary without her consent.....That explains why there are so many rebels
And will the Koran be rewritten as clearly a child can't give consent either.
Listening to LBC this morning on my way to the airport did make me laugh and smile. The 21st century is getting weirder and weirder.
This world could be beautiful and great when fiction and reality don't get mixed.