Blah, blah bladey blah 
It's an utter joke when you put it all in context.
Prior to Obama the Supreme Court of 9 Judges was as follows:
7 Republican placed Judges and 2 Democrat placed Judges.
Made up of 1 Chief Justice(R) and 8 Associate Justices(6R and 2D)
During Obama's Presidency, 2 Associate Justices retired and one passed away.
He appointed 2 Associate Justices, one in 2009 and one in 2010.
5 Republican placed Judges and 4 Democrat placed Judges.
Made up of 1 Chief Justice(R) and 8 Associate Justices(4R and 4D)
In 2016, Associate Judge Antonin Scalia passed away.
That gave Obama the opertunity to nominate an Associate Justice bringing the balance of Republican/Democrat appointed Justices to 4/5 which would have looked as follows:
4 Republican placed Judges and 5 Democrat placed Judges.
Made up of 1 Chief Justice(R) and 8 Associate Justices(3R and 5D)
The Republicans however were having none of that and proceeded to play silly beggars and refuse to accept ANY candidate nominated by Obama that wasn't republican biased.
Due to the Republicans controlling the house, they were able to block and delay the process in an unprecidented way until the next Presidential elections, so it remained as follows:
4 Republican placed Judges and 4 Democrat placed Judges.
Made up of 1 Chief Justice(R) and 7 Associate Justices(3R and 4D) with 1 empty place.
When Trump won the election he took control of the nomination that should have been Obama's which then became:
5 Republican placed Judges and 4 Democrat placed Judges.
Made up of 1 Chief Justice(R) and 8 Associate Justices(4R and 4D)
One of the Republican nominated Associated Justices retired in 2018 and now this is the position Trump has nominated Kavanaugh.
The Republicans are desperate to appoint not only a Republican leaning Judge, but also a Judge that is as well right of centre as possible - to the point of witholding documents and only publishing others right at the last minute as to make them impossible to scrutinise thoroughly.
They then ignored complaints and objections by panel members even going so far as to simply talk over them in what appeared to be a childish attempt to give Kavanaugh as easy a time as possible - not asking him any serious questions and even chatting about pens.
Yet as soon as someone calls for a delay while serious accusations are investigated - the Republicans, who:
i) unpresidentedly stalled and stole the last nomination for the Supreme Court,
ii) refuse to listen to legitamet complaints of witholding and delaying access to important documentation and
iii) purposefully asking banal and irrelevant questions instead of seriously interviewing the nominee.
..... cry shenanigans, conspiracy and unfair, unscrupulous and deceptive on behalf of the Democrats.
It's a pattern that is repeated over and over by the GOP/Republicans/Trump.
Lie, quote conspiracy as fact and ignore/dismiss/condone any behaviours or actions as long as they produce the results they want ...... then claim everything that shows them in a bad light or is in anyway critical as being fake news and conspiracies even when there is substantial and hard evidence to the contrary.
Faced with hard and substancive evidence, those appologists that run out of fake news/conspiracy arguments then resort to the cliche's of "All politicians lie" and "They are all as bad as each other".
Take something that is technically true, but is complex, nuanced and applies across such a significant scale of minor to extreme ...... and paint it as simply black and white.
What does appear to be true based upon observed, documented repeated behaviours and actions is that Republicans and especially their politicians are far more disposed to believing that the ends justify the means than their Democratic rivals.
It is not a fair and even playing field, since one team is playing by a different set of rules.
There are good and bad politicians on all sides of the political spectrum, but when it comes to being held accountable for their actions and justifying supporting or doing something wrong if they believe it is justified for a greater good, the Republicans are significantly playing and applying far lower standards to themselves and their interests than the Democrats do.
A repeated pattern you often see is follows similar trends:
A Democrat is caught with his pants down and resigns or is pushed out by his peers, the GOP/Republicans sell that as an example of the lack of morality of Democrats as a Party and ideology.
A Republican is caught with his pants down and refuses to resign, even and especially if they were extremely hypocritically advocating taking a hard line on family values etc, many Republicans will stand by them, defend them and even decry any negative publicity as being a Democrat conspiracy and/or biased media.
It's all down to the fundamental differences in beliefs, principles and ideologies that drive the different parties. |