Not being critical of the men and women in the Navy at all but they took them where ?Rescued or Aided their journey,,,,who knows...
As for a drugs bust ...must be so hard to get Heroin in the uk now because of it ....Do you think the cannabis consumed in the uk would be travelling the indian ocean,,if you are in any town or city you could look out your window and probably see where it is being grown ...
Or your refusal to believe the British Government are anything else than jolly honest,thoroughly decent chaps who are the epitome of fairness...
And the consequences of not doing it are ? It's not god they fear it's the buggers with the guns..
You mentioned opium farmers not wanting to do it because they are Muslim,,where in the Muslim faith is it ok to produce drugs then,unless getting up for prayers at 5am or whenever makes it ok...
Next you will be saying that the IRA and UVF were all god fearing catholics and protestants when in truth they believe in god no more than i do ..It's just total rubbish
Comparable to them or you...........If you came to mine if i was eating you would be offered it as well,,it's called common decency nothing else
And again what happens if they don't.....
"greater understanding of their prophet" that's for a different thread me thinks
But what is the reality.....Protection of government maybe ?
So where was the justification if there were no Belsens,Auschwitz etc...Just wondering thats all
Oh yeah i can just imagine all the people in places like India,China and Africa all huddled round the telegraph office keeping up with German developments in 1939
Generally wars are declared,the British government have plenty of practice,they are referred to as conflicts,campaigns ,policing action etc when there is no declaration ie Vietnam
i know what it means Isn't that the point of Trident or are we talking about whether Britain wants to be part of the world police
Lots of differing opinions about why the falklands conflict happened but most of the people with the answers are dead now
I am in no way criticizing anybody who has served ,does serve or will serve in the Armed Forces..
Some good friends of mine did their time all around the world but a lot of them never considered the reasons they were there as just or right or anything to do with Britain but they tried to make the best of a bad situation... |