"Mostly". Er, no. He'll speak about him if he's topical and when he does he does talk sense about it. You can please yourself.
Yeah Sargon is fantastic and usually spot on. I seriously recommend him as a regular go-to guy to help unscramble nonsense in the world and the brainwashing. Dankula can be hilarious and b.t.w. is demonstrably nothing like he is mischaracterised by media and court to be ( the latter which deliberately lied ).
Styx is often right, while sometimes misunderstands or is sloppy with facts, but he's always entertaining to listen to. He does it better than most salaried people in ties. I love the contrast between his extreme casual style and dont give a monkeys attitude, with the actual good sense that he ( usually ) talks. The way people react just by his appearance or even wall decorations is hilarious too, but predictable. |