ESA Reconsideration and Appeal
In Mandatory Reconsideration:
You won't get any ESA payments while you're asking for a mandatory reconsideration if you were told you couldn't get ESA because:
you didn't score enough points at your medicalyou didn't go to your medicalyou didn't return the capability for work questionnaire (ESA50 form)
If you're challenging the DWP's decision to put you in the work-related activity group, you'll continue to be paid ESA. The work-related component will also be paid while you're challenging that decision - but only if your claim was made before 3 April 2017.
In Appeal:
You can be paid ESA until the appeal is heard - this isn’t the same as making a new claim. You will need to ask the DWP to pay you while you’re waiting for your appeal - you can ask for this in your appeal letter.
You will only get paid ESA if:
the Tribunal has told you it’s got your appealthis is the first time the DWP has decided that you’re fit for work, or the first time since the DWP decided that you have limited capability for work. (This means it applies only to your first attempt at claiming ESA. If you attempted to claim ESA, were denied and either did not appeal or failed to win the Appeal, subsequent attempts to start a new claim will not qualify for ESA payments if the subsequent claim goes to appeal)you give the Jobcentre fit notes from your doctorIn simple terms, if you have doctors notes and this is your first claim for ESA, during the Appeal stage of a claim, should it reach that point, you are entitled to base level ESA payments.
If you try again after being denied at Appeal, you aren't entitled to base level ESA payments for any further attempts.
To me, it strongly appears that you have been simply attempting winding up the 'lefties and SJW's' for fun, with total disregard for the members of this forum who either have been directly affected by the system or via family members, loved ones or friends.
You provided no evidence to support your claims, have thrown around terms like WRAG without appearing to understand what it actually means and essentially relied on the complexity of the processess and the lack of general awareness of how it works to 'have an argument'. |