I have utility bills from water, gas, tv, mobile, electric, rent, council tax, broadband, bank... Why would someone not just choose a different utility bill or some other means? There's a huge choice.
I assume you want someone working with kids to prove who they were?
This has far more options.
Why is he not claiming benefits? Why have you made up such a unique character? Does he pass your voting test? I just wonder if he's smart enough.
No mobile phone? I've known people in Kenya and Uganda living in an iso container with a mobile phone. Same with Afghanistan and Iraq, I'm guessing he must be the most unique person on the planet.
Hardly surprising if you are deliberately choosing not to have benefits and no phone means no chance of getting work. It's why migrants have them. So he's choosing not to work, choosing to have no benefits, these are his lifestyle choices. The UK should adjust to suit him?
Better take up your made up character with the electoral commission then.
Also show Simon this bit from above.
What if I cannot provide any of the ID listed above? |