I do not know what the legal position would be here but I doubt that the USA would propose such action (possible death penalty) until they have him on US soil, then they would do whatever they wanted, as they always do.
It is also reported that Ecuador asked Sweden to promise it would not extradite Assange to the United States, but Sweden refused. That speaks volumes.
At the end of the day I guess that our world leaders do not want their dirty games/politics aired in public and will do whatever it takes to prevent it.
Its an alledged crime and since extradition to the US is in the mix, I don't blame him.
In regard to the sexual assault accusations, he should face his accusers. The US connection, however, is impossible to ignore, in a negative way of course.
Well, I guess Ecuador has it's charm. Must be better than the US, Britain or Sweden to ask and receive political asylum in Ecuador. Ecuador!
Not that the bloke has any political axe to grind - publishing a load of classified government communications on the internet which could put lives at risk and embarrass governments. Also threatening to 'expose' further classified government communications.
Not that the bloke has done anything wrong - Sweden wants to question him for alleged sexual stuff.
Poor sod. May the spotlight of the media forever shine on his murky little corner.
Thought whistle-blowers were all the rage these days with our government(s). Obviously this only applies to subject matters that do not 'tread on their toes'. Ouch !!!!!!!
"A supporter of Mr Assange [Craig Murray] later sparked anger by appearing to name one of the alleged victims on BBC 2's Newsnight. Craig Murray said: "I think incidents which are dubious themselves as to what has happened, and Julian Assange has denied the accusations against him, are being seized on as a political agenda."
"Mr Murray named an alleged victim, claiming the name was in general circulation, but was challenged by host Gavin Esler."
So, should we return his passport and let him go? If we don't where does that leave our credibility internationally?
Personally I am not sure if the UN panel has a great deal of credibility - how can Julian Assange be "arbitrarily detained" when he is holed up somewhere at his own doing. He could walk out and into custody at anytime - and then, if he felt that was unjust, complain to the UN panel about that. Sat in the Ecuadorean embassy eating pizza is surely not detention.
We should certainly not ignore it. We use the UN ourselves, when we want to- like going to war. We preach to other countries that we have a mandate for invading ______ (fill in the blanks).
He has been "arbitrarily detained" as he can't step out without being arrested. And he hasn't even been charged in Sweden. There is an 'accusation of rape' , so wanted for 'helping police with their enquiries' as we say in Britain.