I didn't know (care?) that AlJazeera was Qatari and thus anti-Assad, so thanks for that.
As for the why would they do it argument, well why does anyone do anything in war? Why did the serbs massacre muslims by the thousand in the almost full glare of the tv cameras and under the direct scrutiny of NATO? They must have known it would come home to roost.
Why did they massacre people by the hundreds of thousands in Rwanda?
Why do western troops still take trophy photographs knowing the offence they will cause and the crap that will arrive when/if they get published?
I can only assume that the commander on the ground didn't believe that Obama would react, didn't believe that anyone would care or possibly thought that they may as well use the weapons before they get confiscated. Perhaps the commander just plain hated the enemy so much that he wanted to inflict an awful suffering on them, no matter what the consequences. Possibly all those reasons and more.
Its the fog of war. Even though we now see much more clearly what is going on, it still takes ages for the truth to come out and by then things have moved on. I assume that that logic allows even the most outrageous decisions to seem logical or reasonable at the time.
If you have evidence that it was the rebels, or Turkey or anyone other than Assad that used chemical weapons, then lets have it. We are all pretty open minded and fair here. We will review the evidence and won't be guided by others. But so long as your source is reasonable and doesn't have hidden agendas (unlike friends of Syria, who didn't bother to hide their agenda), we will look and decide for ourselves. |