Veiled threat from James Brokenshire, another sacked minister, saying he is "looking forward to being released from collective responsibility and campaigning on issues that matter to me and my constituents".
I think he is clearing the decks of most of the old guard and replacing with fresh new blood who are swearing loyalty to him and a departure of 31st Oct.
This is so if he cannot renegotiate a deal in the next 6-8 weeks and is also faced with no no deal being possible to get through parliament he will call a GE early Sept in the hope that the general public will see he has done all that is possible and hoping for a decent enough majority so that he can get his policies through without having to fight the anti leavers.
Not sure it will work but he seems to be throwing the kitchen sink at it as he really only has one chance to get the job done as after 31st Oct has passed if we are not out he will probably be finished.
In a nutshell, a new approach is needed to shift Brexit through as what we had did not work . Will he deliver? Not sure he can , but he has made his bed now and if he fails can not make it anew .