Russia is a complex place. The government, and economy are on its knees. Corruption is very high. Government systems/services are used officially by day and for criminal gains by 'night'. The line between and enemy and a useful resource is incredibly thin. Money and contacts will overcome most challenges.
If you hang your hat on that whether she is off to a good start or not then you are really working from the wrong premise and totally missing the point especially regarding the intelligence 'game'.
What works generally well with Russians is being decisive and concrete actions. All this 'lets give them 10 days to answer' or 'a well lets give them some more time' or 'lets give them our evidence' etc is not gaining any respect, and will simply string along any kind of diplomatic efforts.
Short deadlines, immediate action is what makes them sit up and pay attention. And they'll deny it for a bit longer and play the games. The propaganda machines are in full swing now. But let's not forget one thing, whilst there are a lot of very rich Russians the government isn't one of them Sanctions will seriously hurt them. But in my opinion they still have some rope left to keep playing the look at the nasty west game which resonates well with the home front especially in the upcoming elections.
I've had the pleasure to have had a few drink fuelled nights with Russian colleagues in Moscow and in Warsaw recently. And if you subscribe to children and drunken people tell the truth then the shrug of the shoulder and the phase "It's Russia" really stuck with me. |