Yeah. Half life of 6 hours, what sort of rubbish is that? Everybody knows that radioactive materials will last for millions of year. And hasn't the UK got its own reactors and Sellafield.
We don't actually need to import any. It's just Project Fear.
We probably don't actually use any either. It's just Project Fear.
DeLemming is standing on the cliff edge contemplating flying out and taking in the view of the sunny uplands. If a bird can do it, so can I. Am I not more postive thinking than a bird.?
Bystander: you're going to die.
DeLemming: Mere Project Fear. I'm not falling for that. By the power of postive thinking I can do anything.
Bystander: But you will be falling. To your death.
DeLemming: Mere project Fear. Join me, the view of the sunny uplands will be wonderful.
Bystander: Right. Just give me a few seconds to get my phone ready so I can stick the video on Youtube.
DeLemming: Repeats his mantra By the power of positive thinking I can do anything. Steps off the cliif and on the way down to getting his skull smashed out on the rocks below just has time to go Oh Shi........
Bystander: One born every minute. Sells the video to TV for a tidy sum. Shortly afterwards opens up a DeLemming Power of Postive Thinking flying school on the clifftop and quickly is able to retire on the proceeds from the One Born Every Minute TV franchise rights.
I'm a sucker for falling from stuff from the BMA, the Royal College of Radiologists and the Lancet. Because, like, you know, they is experts. But I'm not standing on the edge of a cliff...
Overcome how exactly? By the power of positive thinking?
Did you stop to think why we don't already produce it ourselves? and why the reactors in Europe produce 60% of the world supply?
Why the USA, which consumes about half of the world’s supply of Mo-99, has had no domestic (i.e., U.S.-based) production of this isotope since the late 1980s? but instead imports from Europe, Australia and South Africa? Or why Canada, a previous exporter to the USA with 20% of the worlds production shut down it's facilities in 2018?.
Who do you think is going to invest in a research reactor to produce these isotopes for the UK? How much is that going to cost?
There are new methods to make the stuff being developed but they are not quick and easy off the shelf solutions. which will be available in the weeks before a possible No Deal brexit or the months afterwards either. This is the state of one of the new production facilities in May 2019.

A breaking the ground ceremony. Their plant won't be producing before mid 2021 at the earliest and even then will not produce enough to fully meet USA requirements. None for the UK there then... |