From the moment you put that line in the rest of the argument becomes utterly pointless.
Honestly, if anyone ever uses the 'one of my friends' line in a political argument I think it should lead to a one week ban of self-reflection. It should be a month ban if the said phrase is posted with an inserted race or creed to highlight the said point
I had a friend a school that used to think playing with himself under the desks was a good idea. Not sure it would constitute a cogent argument that 'playing with oneself under desks should be a common policy in schools' argument.
I live in a Jewish area, happen have a Jewish wife (who doesn't agree with many of the political decisions in Israel, or many other countries including our own quite frequently), and in part I guess due to that I, therefore, have many Jewish friends (amongst all my other friends from all walks of life and political spectrums) with many different political views. I'm not sure I've heard anything but concern from even the most ardent Labour supporters, but there may be some that do support him.
Either way I wouldn't post on here to basing an argument on something so serious because one of my 'close friends Anthony', who also happens to be Jewish, thinks Farage is the dogs danglies and has voted for him at every opportunity. He's not the gospel according to Jewish opinion, he's one person with one opinion. Also, despite being of polar opinion on Brexit and Farage, we still manage to be friends, spend time together and take the pee out of each others viewpoint
Like everybody else, no matter what race or religion we happen to be, we don't all think the same way or believe the same thing.
On a personal level, Corybns' actions speak louder than his words. He may have a fantastic set of policies ( mixed bag at best IMO) but his actions and inactions make me more than wary.
My experience with ardent supporters and their total dedication is a feverish ability to make him out to be some sort saviour and completely infallible, which worries me even more. It's fanatical and unhealthy.
I can't stand the current Tory party. Seriously despise what they are doing, lurching to the right so heavily, plus Brexit, and austerity but having recently spent time discussing and engaging with Momentum supporters and members if they are typical I worry that my vote, which is likely to be LD, could put Corbyn in power. He looks worse than Johnson, his cronies, look even worse.
I don't believe you make the poor richer by making the rich poor and targeting them as evil. You close loopholes, stop waste and make sure you give the opportunity to more by raising standards not dragging everyone down to lower ones. Maximize skills, not debase them. You don't achieve either by forcing poverty and deep cuts on those who can least afford it.
This election to me is a choice between two terrible options if people only vote for the two main parties. I think it may come down to better the devil you know! |