Anyone else read I, Vampire?
Now I know I'm a bit of a sucker for a good vampire story, but all bias aside I really liked it. The artwork and colouring isn't the usual style I'd go for, but it somehow added ... I don't know ... Gothicness (yeah, shuddup, it's a word now!) to the story, make it feel a bit more visceral, and less like you're reading a comic. Anyone out there who, like me, enjoys the whole vampire thing, I know what you're going to say, you're going to say "what can a vampire story bring me that I haven't seen before?". Well, I don't really have an answer for that since I agree that most of the good vampire stories have already been told (except the one that's in my head!), I'm not promising this will bring something new, but I'd say give it a go, judge for yourself.  |