Comics are usually set out in a very easy way to understand, the panels usually flow left to right on the page and progress downwards like a book, some however flow across a two page spread for certain pages, other panels can be a little confusing by having boxes of varying sizes etc, but they're rare and are usually obvious to how to deal with them. Say you get a 3 panel page with 2 on the left and 1 long one down the right, I would usually read the top left, big right, lower left that is generally how you go, left to right, top to bottom.
Conversations in the panel usually link with the first text to read at the top.
Narratives come in boxes either at the top or bottom of the panel, if it's at the top you read it before the speech if it's at the bottom you read it after.
There are no real "rules" just best ways to read, you will pick up what you find best, some people like to admire the artwork and get an idea of what's going on before reading, some people read and take it in at the same time etc...
The Sandman is certainly a good read 
Hillskill some sellers will not combine shipping which is a complete pain, I've had some in the past argue that they do not do so and would state if they did, ended up just paying for it and not using them again. 1 starred them on all the ratings, still gave them positive feedback as there was nothing wrong with the items though. Hopefully they will be nice and combine shipping and re-invoice you the correct cost  |