Will use this as a template for my order, and I'll try keep it short!
Justice League #1
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artwork: Jim Lee & Scott Williams
Well, as soon as I saw Johns and Lee on this I knew it was a must have, I mean Justice League should have been the must read comic for DC, but over the last few years that really hasn't been the case... it has been a let down.
If you're unfamiliar with Geoff Johns he goes for a slow build on his stories and never really disappoints. Although some may argue my love for The Flash may also lead to favouritism here, I must point out that Johns is probably the most popular of DC writers, not just with Flash fanboys 
Anyway, this is a must have for anyone who's looking to get in to the new 52.
Action Comics #1
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artwork: Rags Morales
Well, I saw the writer and that was it, DC please take my money now. For those unfamiliar with him, he brought us All-Star Superman - I don't want to talk too much about this, but it's the best superman story ever 
This takes us back to old-school Supes so for me it's certainly worth getting just for that.
Animal Man #1
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artwork: Travel Foreman & Dan Green
Animal Man brings us back to Grant Morrison who really brought Animal Man to life, and I don't expect this to match up to that revival, but as a fan of horror and superheroes I can't not try this out to see how it goes. Not much else to say here.
Batgirl #1
Writer: Gail Simone
Artwork: Ardian Syaf & Vicente Cifuentes
I don't want to get started on The Killing Joke here and I wont post spoilers, but that's the main focus for many communities on this release, sadly.
So avoiding that topic I turn my attention to Gail who is an excellent writer and feel she will do a good job on this. It is interesting how we have Batgirl and Batwoman at the same time though.
For me this is a buy, but one of the potential drops in after #1.
Batwing #1
Writer: Judd Winick
Artwork: Ben Oliver
Where to start... I'm not a fan of Batwing, and I'm not a fan of Judd Winick either (except perhaps under the hood - I still think the art played a huge part here)... so my avoid on this is probably biased on both parts. But anyway, I checked the previews and for me it's just not something that would stand out as a must have.
Detective Comics #1
Writer: Tony Daniels
Artwork: Tony Daniels
Again, I'm not sure on this - Daniels has never really caught my attention and I don't imagine it's about to change, however I will say the artwork looks a lot better than I was expecting from him. Not a story related spoiler but some may not want to read the next bit:
That being the only thing tempting me in to it.
Green Arrow #1
Writer: J.T. Krul
Artwork: Dan Jurgens & George Perez
Green Arrow... J.T. Krul...
It's a shame Krul is writing this as I like Jurgens and Perez (as per my other post), but I will never forgive Krul for what he did to the Justice League.
Hawk And Dove #1
Writer: Sterling Gates
Artwork: Rob Liefield
Not for me. One reason. Liefield. I think he's an awful artist and that's all there is to it on this. If you want to see what I mean google Liefield Worst Drawings and take a look for yourself.
Justice League International #1
Writer: Dan Jurgens
Artwork: Aaron Lopresti & Matt Ryan
Part of me wants to get this as the original JLI is so good. But as none of the original creators have anything to do with this I'm put off it. Jurgens is another, who for me should stick to art, but I just don't think he's a good enough writer for this. I don't think it's going to suck, not at all, I just don't think it'll live up to expectations of those who know JLI.
Men Of War #1
Writer: Ivan Brandon
Artwork: Tom Derenick
I don't have any opinion on this, I get the feeling it's just trying to cash in on certain first person shooters popularity. I've seen a lot of people bringing this point up as well. It could work though.
Omac #1
Writer: Dan DiDio & Keith Giffen
Artwork: Keith Giffen & Scott Koblish
DiDio... well... the artwork looks good!
That's all I have to say on that.
Static Shock #1
Writer: John Ruzum & Scott McDaniel
Artwork: Scott McDaniel
I'm looking forward to this one, there aren't too many modern heroes that have been successful, so I'm interested to see what Ruzum has to offer here.
Stormwatch #1
Writer: Paul Cornell
Artwork: Miguel Sepulveda
I'd always get this on the strength of Cornell's writing, I wasn't expecting much in terms of art but I've been surprised by the previews I've seen and think this could actually be a lot better than many are saying it will be.
Swamp Thing #1
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artwork: Yanick Paquette & Francesco Francavilla
One of the most nailed on buys for me. Snyder is a great writer, Paquette's art is wonderful. And do I even need to say how awesome Swamp Thing is?
I heard they will be bringing on Francesco Francavilla to help keep it going as Paquette is notoriously slow and they obviously don't want this getting dropped due to Paq not being able to keep up.
Batman And Robin #1
Writer: Peter Tomasi
Artwork: Patrick Gleason & Mick Gray
Purely on the storyline of this, it's a must have for any Batman fan. We need to put Tomasi and Gleason's last Batman and Robin behind us and get this one for the story if nothing else 
Batwoman #1
Writer: J.H. Williams & W. Haden Blackman
Artwork: J.H. Williams
J.H. Williams on artwork - I'm sold.
Great character and what should be beautiful artwork. Do you even need to worry about the story? Possibly, but I'm not! 
Deathstroke #1
Writer: Kyle Higgins
Artwork: Joe Bennett & Art Thibert
I like violence and good art in my comics, so I want this, bad. That said I've heard a lot of people slating it - so it's probably not one for everyone, unless you're easily sold with pretty pictures of over the top violence, like me!
Demon Knights #1
Writer: Paul Cornell
Artwork: Diogenes Neves & Oclair Albert
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Paul Cornell. Gotta have it.
Frankenstein Agent Of Shade #1
Writer: Jeff Lemire
Artwork: Alberto Ponticelli
I don't think you could have a better choice for writer on this title, Lemire is a strange writer and that's just what is needed to make this work. I don't think it's going to be amazing, but it's definitely worth a read.
Green Lantern #1
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artwork: Doug Mahnke & Christian Alamy
Green Lanter, Geoff Johns - It's a buy for me as I think it's going to pick back up and could be great. Good art and what looks like will be a good story.
Grifter #1
Writer: Nathan Edmondson
Artwork: Cafu
First off, have you seen how awesome the cover is for this? How can you not want it already?!
I love Grifter, but i know very little about the writer or artist here, so maybe someone else can do better than me on this, but I'm all over this one for sure.
Legion Lost #1
Writer: Fabien Nicieza
Artist: Pete Woods
This ended up on my list to buy because I like Nicieza, usually writing for Marvel he does a good job, and I think he did great for DC on Red Robin too, but they never gave him anything else until now, so maybe we could see him writing more for DC after this? I'd like to think so.
Mister Terrific #1
Writer: Eric Wallace
Artwork: Gianluca Gugliotta
I don't like Mister Terrific, I don't like Eric Wallace and I don't like Gianluca Gugliotta. So I think you can guess where I stand on this 
Red Lanterns #1
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artwork: Ed Benes
I think Milligan is a great writer, but I'm not a fan of Ed Benes, and I have never really be sold on Red Lanterns, so I'll probably give this a miss. I'll be waiting to see what people say about the story, as I get the feeling Milligan could have what it takes to convert me. We'll see.
Resurrection Man #1
Writer: Dan Abnett​ & Andy Lanning
Artwork: Fernando Dagnino
Purely on the strength of Abnett and Lanning I am looking forward to reading this, I'll be honest and say I've let Res-Man pass me by so I can't say anything much about the story.
Suicide Squad #1
Writer: Adam Glass
Artwork: Marco Rudy
I don't care how many people are mad excited about this, I'm going to avoid it. I'm in the camp of people who don't need anything more than the cover art to make a decision to avoid this.
Superboy #1
Writer: Scott Lobdell
Artwork: RB Silva & Rob Lean
I've not seen anyone get excited about this and I feel exactly the same. While I don't think it's going to be bad, I just can't see it being good.
Batman #1
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artwork: Greg Capullo & Jonathon Glapion
We all know Theydon has a little bat-crush and Batman so it was a given he'd be getting this. And rightfully so! I can't see any reason not to. I'd even go as far to say that this is one of the most exciting looking titles of the 52. As I've said before, Snyder is just great and I can't see this being bad.
Birds Of Prey #1
Writer: Duane Swierczynski
Artwork: Jesus Saiz
Duane is a good writer, but without Gail on this I just don't have any interest, that and another certain loss. Just takes everything away from it for me, I wont even be checking out the reviews to this.
Sorry there's more to come...I've heard the cliffhanger is an absolute epic |