It's far from weekly, ten issues over 4 months, 3 a month for the first six then 2 a month for the next four.
It would be great if it does well as I'm hoping Marvel are realising how ludicrous comic books are that take five minutes to read and only come out once a month, it's why I've never bought floppies, getting a bite size chunk of a story every four weeks is like some kind of torture, I'd have to be constantly re-reading old issues to remember what happened way back when the storyline started. Don't even get me started on those issues that get delayed for months or even years 
For me AOU looks really well planned out all the artwork done in advance (surely its common sense to do that for an important event), a release schedule that means you can actually follow the story properly but best of all no more than ten tie ins so it doesn't cost a fortune to collect the whole event. If only the event itself is a good read.
I hope floppy buyers don't leave it thinking its weekly because they are used to the 'traditional' snail pace of Marvel releases that take years to tell a story. |