Yeah, read it last night, very good. I think I will track down the Robin Year One now as well - I didnt know it existed until I was searching Batman GN on ebay and the GN was there - its OOP, and went for about £35 I think? I then saw the whole series up a week or so later - I think I paid less than a tenner inc postage. 
I bought the Knightfall book as I dont have all the crappy extra bits (I do have the Showcase editions and SotB) but dont think I have the Bane special or some of the Azreal bits that have been made into the newer releases.
I was reading on a website that its far better than its last incarnation, but still missing a few key issues such as the bit but does include other smaller arcs that wrap up the whole story.
The Spiderman comic is a reprint (1967) of the 1964 Amazing Spiderman 16, a comic that costs around £130 in FN condition. That reprint which includes a few other comics of that era cost me £7 for a FN version. I bought it for the Daredevil appearance (around issue 3? 4? of Daredevil as he is in the yello costume and the single D)where Batmans back is healed! |