As far as I can work out, I may be wrong (as is usual haha) but I believe that more senior members of certain legions are allowed to keep their knowledge of the Grey Knights.
Logan Grimnar (of the Space Wolves) is very much aware of the Grey Knights and has been allowed to keep hisbmemory of them.
I also think I remember reading that the reason that people have their minds wiped after encountering the Grey Knights is not so much to keep their existence a secret but to erase the trace of any demonic rituals encountered from the minds of the corruptable. I also think it may have something to with the tech and rituals that the Grey Knights use, they are borderline heretical in nature so they may mind wipe to erase knowledge of heretical practices? Maybe if certain beings don't see these practices they don't neccesitate a mind wipe?
It's also worth remembering that the sisters of silence are amongst the Emperors most trusted servants, they, along with the Custodes, are the only people given the freedom to walk the inner halls of the Imperial palace.
They also are sworn to silence, who they gonna call? 
It probably has more to do with the inconsistencies of the older and newer lore/fluff. Different authors as well as different codex writers have different standards to how closely they follow lore, one in particular is maligned by the table top community: Matthew Ward. Ward tends to take a big dump on established lore when he wants to make someone/thing sound cooler, an example would be something I read years ago on Boltersandchainsword.com
A user called Ragnar_Blackmane had this to say about Matt Wards massive exagerations: "the fact that only one of 1 million neophytes shipped to Titan becomes a Grey Knight (if that was the case they wouldn't use whole delegations to hand pick recruits and would have to take every single psyker the black ships find no matter their sanity/power level to get such an insane amount of psykers together"
I believe he makes a good point there.
I find Luetin09 on YouTube is very helpful with lore/fluff inconsistencies, I may well pose your question to him (unless you want to?) As he will provide a far more detailed answer than I can as he seems to have the ability to cram all the lore into his head, I struggle to remember my own name  |