I've had an XF 3.0D (238 bhp), 2009 model, for a few years now (bought s/h), 78K on the clock now. A/C has stopped working, booked in for a fix next week, had to replace driver's window regulator/motor a few months ago, did it myself - that's it.
Would buy another like a shot - S version, oh yes! But I'm retired now, did 12 miles in it last week, so I can't justify replacing it, never mind with an S .
I had an S-Type 2.7D Sport before, did over 90K in it - did have various engine ancillary issues with it, nothing too bad for the mileage.
Never, ever, heard of injector issues with either - and I've always gone for the cheapest supermarket fuel, I was spending over £100 pw on diesel, out of my own pocket, before I retired.
I believe the timing belt (not 100% sure that it's a belt rather than a chain - but that's what I was told at my local Jaguar main dealer earlier this week when booking it in for the a/c to be looked at) is due for replacement at 112K - probably around £1k if you keep it that long.
Only thing I'd say, the base model - like mine - is called the Luxury. Has leather and satnav, but flat unsupportive seats, dip-it-yourself rear view mirror, SFA else, not what I'd call luxury - boy was I disappointed after my S-Type sport. Go for the Premium Luxury at least, lots better spec.
Do it Don, you know you want to |