This straight to DVD release is the third installment of the 2001 film staring Owen Wilson and Gene Hackman. Personally, I didn't even know there was a sequel to the original, but considering this is a WWE produced film staring Mr Kennedy, who was I not to watch this? The storyline is pretty basic, navy SEALS organize an attack on Colombian Special Forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage which is one of their own. After watching this I can see why this was a straight to DVD release, it was really bad! The acting was remarkably horrible, and the storyline was equally as bad, but I wasn't expecting anything more then a cheesy action/war film with cheesy one liners, and that is exactly what I got! My Rating: 3.5/10
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score 3/10
tvmovienews 13 June 2009
Reprint: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw2080355/ |