This fantasy film fails to even so much as mention "African" American voluntary roles in and profiting from the extermination and ongoing discrimination of Native indian tribes people going back hundreds of years. Nor does it mention anything of African (you know, the actual continent) tribal roles in starting, controlling and profiting from slavery and discrimination against fellow Africans, going back thousands of years until present day. The ultimate hypocrisy on display here. -10 stars.
This dude does not know what he's talking about. What he's trying to say have nothing to do with Fred Hampton. Whomever this guy that commented is simply don't know what he is talking about period. He sounds like the rest of them that think Columbus discovered America or something.....Smh
Mr Haywood u nasty racist clown ....the response of you to the guys review is racist plain and simple racist so don't begin to preach.over his review
his caucasian response is historically accurate every single facet do your research.
you don't like it but that doesn't change facts.people like you choose what history to use and manipulate the facts.
see when your a racist like u hates historically factually comments the truth are ignored just with a reply of his ethinticity ...
your racist and disrespectful.....historically ignorant and clueless I thought the movie was good I think the facts he spoke of are irrelevant.
now while the response of you to the guys review is racist plain and simple racist so don't begin to preach.over his review
his caucasian a response is historically accurate you don't like it but that doesn't change facts. There true you either are so ignorant you don't know or your a too common racist agenda
see when your a racist like u historically factually comments are ignored just with a reply of his ethinticity ...
your racist historically ignorant and clueless I thought the movie was good I think the facts he spoke of while factual are not in any way relevant to this movie .not at all he didnt.line the film
It's not of any value to this movie. It's a agenda hes putting factual but irrelevant bit like yours .
That been said its every good movie.....
And as for your stupid nasty comments you are just racist.end of .
And your clearly a bigoted racist dickhead . The.original reviewer is using irrelevant information to .hate on a good movie embarrassing....Practice what you both preach.....pair of you .
fox dude- your anger obviously made your grammar TERRIBLE. I didn't read the whole comment, just to second paragraph, but guy-breathe, slow down, write it down on paper first, and then comment.
lol wtf ????? Patronising dishonest clown ... right buddy... ?Anger haha not with someone who has no actual historical comeback content to consider as even a argument.
hypocrisy double standards n race hating nonsense
unfortunately mate History is fact it's there for all to see so that comment with it been historically accurate is not racist its fact .
you defending some one saying atypical caucasian comment hmm.
well if I said typical black comment you would be up in arms... embarrassing double standard .
facts are facts and you are missing my/the point your racism and fever pitch hatred overrides my message .
The comment was I will say it again he is historically correct over the content but it's not relevant to the review of the movie not really in context.
.Hes using his agenda against people.
Read it .
Regarding grammar ohhhhh grammar police !!! Arrogant and truly misguided.
Haha Columbus wtf ????? Hahahahaha shut the fuck up.
it's a ILLEGAL movie site so the Grammar isnt really relevant is it.... your sneering arrogance ha ha ffs.
it not the Turner prize fucksakes.
instead of rushing head first with nonsense without thinking just going down the racist road sit back and accept all history is at some point terrible and shameful.
it's a way of looking back at trying to learn so mistakes are never repeated hence people like me who are honest enough to say America and most of the world has never learned its lessons in terms of social justice
we see that every day.
But also racism works both ways and for the record I also despise trump and his fictional narrative and his insane support
so don't even bother playing that card.
Boring lazy assumption.
But you jumping to the defence of a race baiting comment sums you up ....
saying typical caucasian is racism end of .
If you don't like facts and the truthful facts your problem .
All I see is hypocrisy .....nothing else
typical do as I say not as I do... contradiction theology...
lol you are very funny. I did not take your comment seriously.
We are laughing at your ignorance and false statements. Thank you for writing so much and being so wrong. The Caucasity it takes to do so is astonishing.
We ???whos we you oh it's a group is it oh no !!! ha ha fair enough kiddo ..
hmm we will call you the
alternative history and in no way speak the actual truth lets also invent something to suit our narrative club
hahahahaha ffs
the fact you and rest of the people can't give one example of the historical facts given been false ??? not one reply????nothing ????ffs that's because you.know and i know its factual.
I was berating the original guy for using historical examples while reviewing movie to slate it in a bad light it felt very unnecessary.
It's a good movie.
is a very interesting thing your lack of actual content . In other words just dishonesty because the truth doesn't play into your narrative.
you clearly are just another racist angry bigoted racist......hypocite
The comments ha ha honestly nothing just denials and insults absolutely no content no actual substance thus proving my point as its there in history you might not be able to accept it...but that's your problem.
.. nothing no facts no intelligent comment just spin and just hot air hmmm ..nothing....sums you up
Bit TRUMP like that don't you think????
you've become what you hate fellas how hilariously ironic is that ????
it shows you know absloutley nothing of history if it's TRUE and I don't like it I deny it theology.
hmm where have we heard that before???
errr ...trump anyone ???
I feel sorry for you been angry how conflicted are you? You demand racial equality but you won't give it you immoral troll.
theres nothing on your talk of a all inclusive society you betray the struggle of genuine people really wanting change.
just running your ignorant uneducated troll mouth no content.
Are you just that ignorant you won't accept every race deserves respect and every race makes errors in there history.
some of the alternative history statements on these comments of these lot are just comedy gold!!!!!
i really in a way admire your absolutely breathtaking ignorance and arrogance.
You don't have nothing actually to say ffs.
go buy a history book .. tinfoil hat boring boring white hater racist troll.
The film 8/10 you and your lack of knowledge 1/10...jog on dickhead