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Don't Waste Your Time Mobile post twodogs-69990 18-10-2020 0104 twodogs-69990 18-10-2020 11:37
Keeping Me Watching Mobile post hbrad-98388 18-10-2020 097 hbrad-98388 18-10-2020 11:37
M. Night returns to what he does best. Mobile post stevenfreekin 18-10-2020 0136 stevenfreekin 18-10-2020 11:37
Not a Good Show Mobile post monticellomeadow 18-10-2020 0106 monticellomeadow 18-10-2020 11:37
Big Disappointment Mobile post sinatrafangold 18-10-2020 0110 sinatrafangold 18-10-2020 11:37
Great Season 1, Lackluster Season 2 Mobile post Vic_max 18-10-2020 0106 Vic_max 18-10-2020 11:37
Hated It got Cancelled Mobile post rlatson27-42-899721 18-10-2020 0110 rlatson27-42-899721 18-10-2020 11:37
There Are No Critics In Wayward Pines Mobile post journalist1 18-10-2020 097 journalist1 18-10-2020 11:37
Terrible trash with no sense Mobile post blakedw 18-10-2020 063 blakedw 18-10-2020 11:37
Surprising in so many ways Mobile post cherold 18-10-2020 080 cherold 18-10-2020 11:37
Season One: What the...? Season Two: I'm Out. Mobile post go-imdb-ca 18-10-2020 057 go-imdb-ca 18-10-2020 11:37
Season 1 is good to watchable, season 2 starts off in the grave Mobile post Smiling_slinky 18-10-2020 059 Smiling_slinky 18-10-2020 11:37
Mysteriously chilling and visually inviting, Wayward Pines is worth the visit Mobile post quincytheodore 18-10-2020 042 quincytheodore 18-10-2020 11:37
Where Paradise Is Home Mobile post das_leichsi 18-10-2020 050 das_leichsi 18-10-2020 11:37
What. Was. That?! or Welcome to Wayward Pines - where plot holes are ignored, no matter what. Mobile post Perse_phone 18-10-2020 052 Perse_phone 18-10-2020 11:37
Suspend logic if you want to enjoy this show Mobile post VinS 18-10-2020 052 VinS 18-10-2020 11:37
A Great Start for A Promising Mystery Mobile post atlasmb 18-10-2020 052 atlasmb 18-10-2020 11:37
Are the writers smarter than 1st graders? Did the writers FINISH 1st grade? Adequate acting & photography, terrible train wreck writing. Ripped off from "In the Year 2889" Mobile post domain-5 18-10-2020 062 domain-5 18-10-2020 11:37
From The Village to the village idiot ? Mobile post nazztrader 18-10-2020 055 nazztrader 18-10-2020 11:37
Interesting but a pity....... Mobile post craigblack-55356 18-10-2020 071 craigblack-55356 18-10-2020 11:37
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