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Come on guys; it was pretty enjoyable!! Mobile post patriciahammond 28-2-2021 087 patriciahammond 28-2-2021 00:05
Promises a lot but delivers little Mobile post Big S-2 28-2-2021 094 Big S-2 28-2-2021 00:05
Below Average War Adventure Mobile post JamesHitchcock 28-2-2021 083 JamesHitchcock 28-2-2021 00:05
too many notifications 新人帖 Mobile post Esteban_Garagarza 20-2-2021 1137 Flightz 27-2-2021 23:34
F9 新人帖 Mobile post M_Cooky 27-2-2021 0192 M_Cooky 27-2-2021 23:32
While a terrible film, it doesn't quite sink to the lowest depths of awfulness! Mobile post MartinHafer 27-2-2021 098 MartinHafer 27-2-2021 18:08
Cheap, stupid, silly... and funny! Mobile post SuperDevilDoctor 27-2-2021 0104 SuperDevilDoctor 27-2-2021 18:08
Really, really incredibly awful Mobile post rdad 27-2-2021 072 rdad 27-2-2021 18:08
Frankenstein Meets the Spacemonster - how'd MST3K miss this? Mobile post daniel-1759 27-2-2021 080 daniel-1759 27-2-2021 18:08
This is a classic Mobile post gravisdavis 27-2-2021 083 gravisdavis 27-2-2021 18:08
classic b-movie schlock! Mobile post vampi1960 27-2-2021 076 vampi1960 27-2-2021 18:08
Hilarious! Mobile post deranger-1 27-2-2021 094 deranger-1 27-2-2021 18:08
A True Sci-Fi Oddball Mobile post ferbs54 27-2-2021 093 ferbs54 27-2-2021 18:08
Fruity title and presentation...but sadly, a stiff Mobile post moonspinner55 27-2-2021 092 moonspinner55 27-2-2021 18:08
Lookin' for Love in hand-made movie... Mobile post poe-48833 27-2-2021 095 poe-48833 27-2-2021 18:08
"And now, maximum energy!" Mobile post hwg1957-102-265704 27-2-2021 0121 hwg1957-102-265704 27-2-2021 18:08
Let me be Frank. Mobile post Hey_Sweden 27-2-2021 076 Hey_Sweden 27-2-2021 18:08
One of the Worst and I mean that in the Best way Mobile post Chris J. 27-2-2021 085 Chris J. 27-2-2021 18:08
A very enjoyable "bad" B-movie Mobile post oscar-35 27-2-2021 078 oscar-35 27-2-2021 18:08
Hoo-Boy, What a Mess... :=8P Mobile post MooCowMo 27-2-2021 087 MooCowMo 27-2-2021 18:08
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