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A long-winded, and decidedly dull disappointment. Mobile post JohnHowardReid 28-2-2021 084 JohnHowardReid 28-2-2021 00:05
A dark film shot in vivid colors. Mobile post rjcini 28-2-2021 077 rjcini 28-2-2021 00:05
Better then its inadequate lead and shoddy production values suggest Mobile post JoeytheBrit 28-2-2021 089 JoeytheBrit 28-2-2021 00:05
What would Papa have said about this one? Mobile post jotix100 28-2-2021 092 jotix100 28-2-2021 00:05
Everyone's just wild about Harry Mobile post sol1218 28-2-2021 091 sol1218 28-2-2021 00:05
Big budget bloated bore. Mobile post Diosprometheus 28-2-2021 082 Diosprometheus 28-2-2021 00:05
extraordinarily self-indulgent schlock Mobile post deng43 28-2-2021 079 deng43 28-2-2021 00:05
Easy to Not Care Mobile post MRavenwood 28-2-2021 069 MRavenwood 28-2-2021 00:05
Classic Hemmingway On the Silver Screen Mobile post nobsnews 28-2-2021 060 nobsnews 28-2-2021 00:05
Interesting Characters & Some Good Performances Mobile post Snow Leopard 28-2-2021 074 Snow Leopard 28-2-2021 00:05
A downer Mobile post blanche-2 28-2-2021 070 blanche-2 28-2-2021 00:05
So-so film that is never as complex or as tragic as it should have been and is a lot less interesting for it Mobile post bob the moo 28-2-2021 074 bob the moo 28-2-2021 00:05
Heavily inspired by the real-life exploits of Hemmingway,...yet amazingly dull and unmoving Mobile post MartinHafer 28-2-2021 068 MartinHafer 28-2-2021 00:05
awful Mobile post sheilamaclean30 28-2-2021 075 sheilamaclean30 28-2-2021 00:05
Semi-Autobiographical, Often-Profound and Moving Story of a Writer's Life Mobile post silverscreen888 28-2-2021 079 silverscreen888 28-2-2021 00:05
A big popular star film of its time... Mobile post Nazi_Fighter_David 28-2-2021 073 Nazi_Fighter_David 28-2-2021 00:05
Ernest Hemingway's life and loves , being well incarnated by Gregory Peck Mobile post ma-cortes 28-2-2021 064 ma-cortes 28-2-2021 00:05
The older and wiser you get, the deeper this movie becomes. Mobile post moondog-8 28-2-2021 093 moondog-8 28-2-2021 00:05
Uneven war romp with sequences of brilliant stuntwork Mobile post shakercoola 28-2-2021 096 shakercoola 28-2-2021 00:05
A surprising gem Mobile post aman-3 28-2-2021 084 aman-3 28-2-2021 00:05
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