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the most predictable action movie ever Mobile post andytd 28-2-2021 0116 andytd 28-2-2021 18:06
Special Forces action movie to tie us over between something else comes along Mobile post JohnRayPeterson 28-2-2021 0104 JohnRayPeterson 28-2-2021 18:06
Pretty terrible but the non-stop action will see you through Mobile post juneebuggy 28-2-2021 088 juneebuggy 28-2-2021 18:06
Horrible directing, terrible plots and cheesy lines Mobile post hokinizeu 28-2-2021 095 hokinizeu 28-2-2021 18:06
Best movie ever!!! Mobile post gustavomarin 28-2-2021 0102 gustavomarin 28-2-2021 18:06
State of the crap Mobile post aminjacoub 28-2-2021 0113 aminjacoub 28-2-2021 18:06
Bad Mobile post miocindy 28-2-2021 088 miocindy 28-2-2021 18:06
I hate this movie Mobile post juanpacol_337 28-2-2021 091 juanpacol_337 28-2-2021 18:06
For COD:Modern Warfare fans only Mobile post OmertaX 28-2-2021 091 OmertaX 28-2-2021 18:06
Not Bad But Lacks 'Cinema' Potential Mobile post nairtejas 28-2-2021 093 nairtejas 28-2-2021 18:06
Low rent, but it could be worse Mobile post Leofwine_draca 28-2-2021 075 Leofwine_draca 28-2-2021 18:06
Very bad movie, but, who can blame them? Mobile post residentecx 28-2-2021 077 residentecx 28-2-2021 18:06
Not the best war movie ever made Mobile post davejblair 28-2-2021 061 davejblair 28-2-2021 18:06
Pretty impressive for a DTV film Mobile post scorpion-52 28-2-2021 062 scorpion-52 28-2-2021 18:06
I'm Colombian and I was soldier too, If you want to bleak your vision about, see that movie. Mobile post calvaria-596-822063 28-2-2021 075 calvaria-596-822063 28-2-2021 18:06
A Cheesy Action/War film Mobile post tvmovienews 28-2-2021 096 tvmovienews 28-2-2021 18:06
Cheap, stereotypical, predictable, poor acting...Was it supposed to be a porn? Mobile post dvpumas 28-2-2021 0101 dvpumas 28-2-2021 18:06
has its merits: focus on the cynicism about killing Mobile post rvm-2 28-2-2021 099 rvm-2 28-2-2021 18:05
Action packed war movie with character and introspect Mobile post drystyx 28-2-2021 097 drystyx 28-2-2021 18:05
Vainglorious claptrap! Mobile post rps-2 28-2-2021 089 rps-2 28-2-2021 18:05
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