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Soundtrack Stinks! Mobile post gary89436 28-2-2021 091 gary89436 28-2-2021 18:05
Mediocre War movie Mobile post RIO-15 28-2-2021 098 RIO-15 28-2-2021 18:05
The film ALMOST got me to care.....almost. Mobile post MartinHafer 28-2-2021 0102 MartinHafer 28-2-2021 18:05
Italian produced films of World War 2 Mobile post TiminPhoenix 28-2-2021 0115 TiminPhoenix 28-2-2021 18:05
Fun to see after all these years. Mobile post navyflir 28-2-2021 097 navyflir 28-2-2021 18:05
what makes men keep going to war Mobile post zenmark60 28-2-2021 086 zenmark60 28-2-2021 18:05
Disappointing Mobile post grantss 28-2-2021 097 grantss 28-2-2021 18:05
Worst movie of all time (possibly) Mobile post johndoeofkekistan 28-2-2021 095 johndoeofkekistan 28-2-2021 18:05
An American patrol fighting Germans in the countryside south of Rome Mobile post Wuchakk 28-2-2021 099 Wuchakk 28-2-2021 18:05
Awful Mobile post mimimcg-62577 28-2-2021 083 mimimcg-62577 28-2-2021 18:05
The Title Misleads Mobile post sddavis63 28-2-2021 088 sddavis63 28-2-2021 18:05
What if George Patton had been in charge? Mobile post SimonJack 28-2-2021 079 SimonJack 28-2-2021 18:05
Anybody who watches "Anzio" deserves a Purple Heart.! Mobile post zardoz-13 28-2-2021 078 zardoz-13 28-2-2021 18:05
Failed blockbuster about the Allied invasion of Italy that wastes the talents of great actors and nice locations Mobile post ma-cortes 28-2-2021 097 ma-cortes 28-2-2021 18:05
Unconvincing war movie Mobile post RIO-15 28-2-2021 0104 RIO-15 28-2-2021 18:05
Too bad Mobile post cpurvis 28-2-2021 097 cpurvis 28-2-2021 18:05
Weird Mobile post August1991 28-2-2021 080 August1991 28-2-2021 18:05
Uneven War Movie Mobile post Theo Robertson 28-2-2021 085 Theo Robertson 28-2-2021 18:05
Anti-war drama comes off as hollow Mobile post SgtSlaughter 28-2-2021 088 SgtSlaughter 28-2-2021 18:05
Diluted and boring film a clef. Mobile post rmax304823 28-2-2021 093 rmax304823 28-2-2021 18:05
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