No obfustication, simple yes or no...
If we reran the referendum would you vote leave or stay?What is the referendum question?
The referendum question will be: Should the United Kingdom leave the European Union or remain a member of the European Union ?
with the responses:
1) Leave the European Union
2) Remain a member of the European Union Ha ha, while you did this I created one. I noticed  3 votes already and none of them mine  Placed my vote  It might be beneficial if you weighted the 'Leave the European Union'/Poll with a clear proviso that it means either:
a) if we got to run the whole thing over again with 3yrs to sort it all out or
b) the referendum is a choice based on accepting that it's going to be Leaving on April 12th with No Deal, what preparations and contingencies we have in place OR with May's Deal/Some 'very' similar Deal and you have no say or control over which (Deal or No Deal) you get.
to avoid confusion. Nothings changed here...leave everyday of the week. Leave. If it's a black or white stay or leave, it would have to be stay for me.
But what I'd like is a gradual leave over the next decade or so. Failing that, immediate leave with gradual reintegration in areas of mutual benefit. That's a nice idea. You think the EU would agree?