Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:32
Legally it would only need Parliaments approval (as it did to trigger A50) but not a referendum.
Whether it could get away with that politically is another matter...
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:32
Already passed with a huge majority.
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 - Wikipedia
No other acts of parliament are needed.
Greg Hook
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:32
remain, same as last time.
interestingly, pro-brexit FB page runs poll asking whether people want to stay or leave. didn't get the result they wanted, so they deleted the original poll and went for a second that was even more decisive.
=68.ARDoye_EFN-hFIshn6OhidNj0Rn2_bNBiEeGr31EbNSxl36M2-7oZ5rKtIRRYNicQsiI1W8ZPuOgpYvaDR7AW6TKB433XCG77Byf1CWxYASb3sIVrP5-tctCpbDDbPoygE7gHUHMVFMtaDrDWa85GLS0WYUkAcwc_UqWG8aeLSRUwjYT-IR5v9Usg-YNp7jpMHPfiZMtezK7T67lPSpgBncaUKSmfwEjoC6MbKTUwZsW2mJIF2QRbHrof24FQoXtyaa-YIf7Dr5TUkuYgyFjz3eFIC1-rI93JuwdSAn6TSyYVoyQYlJag1BiS1X1Y7QoH85wUz-QsHxLo78-Ovs-UM1UjTsKEnM&__tn__=-R&hash=6ec075e746489c0eac302e5511d005ef]Britain Bites Back
what was it about honouring the outcome of the original vote?
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:32
Yes, I saw that too. I did find it quite funny that they didn't get the outcome they wanted so have run it again and claimed the first vote was hijacked.
I wonder if they see the irony in that? 
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:33
Same thing happened with a Remain poll on Facebook a little while ago. Leavers found out, voted on it. 
Guess what they did next...
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:33
It gets even funnier after the Metro ran with the story
Pro-Brexit group really regrets holding second referendum poll | Metro News
The comments on their page are hilarious
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:33
Dammit, can't believe I missed that. I would have trolled them to tears.
Although I imagine like most Brexiteers, they've shed plenty already!!