Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:22
Absolutely no chance I would imagine. Which is why I think no deal leave is the more likely, and potentially disastrous scenario.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:22
Jeez fella, what is wrong with you?
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:23
Ah yes, my appologies, I didn't realise I should have just moaned and be insulting instead of trying to be constructive to get some useful information out of the poll and further the debate.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:23
The point of this poll was, if you were asked the same question as in 2016, what would your answer be now.Filling it out with anything further would have destroyed the point of asking the question phrased exactly as it was back then.It also avoids any accusations of the author introducing bias, which your "modifications" would certainly have done.
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:24
I both agree and disagree:
I agree that for the purpose of simple having a poll of what you would vote for if the same question was asked again without any proviso's it is simple and direct.
It doesn't tell you any more than that though and my concern is that it actually muddies the waters and enables those with an agenda to use it to their advantage because it's ambiguous.
I also disagree that my poll was introducing bias, but I agree that it didn't help in giving fuel to 'accusations' that it was.
I believe there was an automatic assumption of bias based upon the political stance of the author and the lack of understanding of why the poll was designed as it was - rather than any supported or reasoned evidence.
I felt it was important to try collect some data in a way that allowed it to be contrasted against various scenarios that are quite likely to be facing us - but within the constraints of the poll format etc.
Just for example I can use the data to calculate(not manipulate) what would occur in a face off between all 3 possible options on the table (Deal/No Deal, Deal/Revoke, No Deal/Revoke).
That was the motivation, not a desire to push an agenda or 'win'.(I'll add my spread sheet to my information to allow anyone to see and clarify there is no manipulation)
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:25
Why discuss this in my thread, yours is still active  
Toko Black
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:25
I don't really care where the conversation is located - just that it adds something to the discussion even if that's just clarification 
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:26
That's what the Trade negotiations with the EU are for, that's the far more important stage of Brexit. All Article 50 is designed to do is to grant an exit from the institutions and politics of the EU. While the trade negotiations sorts out the Economic relationship between the UK and EU.
Those negotiations will take place even in the event of No Deal. And will probably take most of the 2020's to conclude.
My answer hasn't changed since 2016, but that shouldn't come as a surprise and yes I'm fully aware that the current course has us set to leave at some point soon if events follow current assumptions. If it comes to a second referendum then it will likely be a binary choice between current EU membership and a Leave option of some description. I find the other polls a bit premature as we have to see how things shake out in the Commons this week. I'd have held off until that had become clearer.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:27
I would also find it interesting to find out how many have changed their minds. So far, it looks like the numbers are very small, and the result, if voters can be bothered to vote again, will be the same as before.
Publish time 3-12-2019 00:54:28
Here’s a simple idea, how about honouring the vote of 17.4 million people and just leave?
But no, we can’t do that!!!
Instead now we’ll get all these lying MPs who said they want a second referendum vote tomorrow to kill article 50 or / and stay in the single market and customs union, because they will have the chance tomorrow to vote for as many of these things as they like.
The remain camp has won.
People seem to have forgotten though, we have left the EU, if we stay we can’t stay as we were before and we will HAVE to sign up to anything the EU forces us to. Including the Euro..
All this has done is kill democracy, millions will now never bother voting ever again. Parliament no longer represents the people.
Their will not be a second referendum IMO as they have the chance to vote to remain or stop Brexit without that. Businesses will start to suffer soon as their is zero certainty from Parliament remainers for them to make plans and investments against.
I would vote leave, if I bothered to vote and wouldn’t be the only one like that. But I’ve moved on from it now, I’m more concerned about how long the economy will