What 'on-line' Smart Phone?
Hi,What's the best phone (or pad, etc) for accessing the internet during a power failure please? Had one the other evening :-o Obviously it would need good battery life and a way to pick up the internet when the home router is down.
Did have such a phone years ago - also with 'BlueTooth' I seem to recall - but it went haywire & was replaced with a straight mobile phone - no internet connectivity.
During the power failure I noticed the landline phone was still up & running, hopefully this also means a mobile smart phone can get on line when the lights are out?
Thanks  Any mobile phone with cellular capacity, denoted as 3G/4G or soon to be 5G will work independently of any home mains power. You could use your phone and go online or tether an iPad or tablet to the new phone and use the phone's data to work on a larger screen device. What's the biggest, clearest screen you can get on a 3G/4G please? Thanks. All smart phones pick up the internet without home wi-fi.It is down to your data package you sign up to. As all ready stated get a tablet and tether to your existing smartphone. 5" to 6" on a phone, up to 12" on an Apple iPad Can I hook up a Samsung Galaxy Tab A tablet to a smartphone please? Yes What's the best smartphone to do this with please - including cables & so forth? Yes. It is the smartphone that does the work, once setup ask your tablet to search for the smartphone.
It is in your smartphone mobile settings, In my phone running android 9 it is called tethering and portable hotspot.
Once it is switched on your mobiles Wi-fi basically becomes a transmitter not a receiver.In an extreme few cases your Mobile supplier have limit you doing this but this is rare.