Andy98765 Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:01

First thing, do you currently own a smartphone?
If so what make and model?
All the EE box does is give you data at a cost. So get a monthly sim with as much data as you want and you have the best of all worlds if installed in a smartphone.

owen kric Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:02

Have a Nokia 1208 Student, probably doesn't qualify as a smartphone. I'm with Orange pay-as-you-go.

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:03

It depends on exactly what the box is, whether it's a modem or a travel router. It may be locked to EE, but it may work with an EE pay as you go sim.

If it's a modem that plugs in via USB then it's primarily designed for a laptop. You might be able to use it with a tablet or smartphone with an OTG cable but looking around support on Android is apparently a bit patchy.

If it's a travel router you connect to via wi-fi then it'll work with anything. You'd just connect your phone, tablet or any other devices and get access to the internet rather than connecting one and then sharing it to others. It'll work with multiple devices at once.

It's likely the latter if it was sold with a tablet.

owen kric Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:04

Pretty sure it's a travel router.

owen kric Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:05

So what's the best smartphone that can hook me into the internet when the lights go out please? An added bonus would be connectivity with the Samsung Galaxy - - but not essential. Thanks.

Hopefully also something I can package with Orange - been with them a while.

owen kric Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:06

This has Bluetooth / Wifi so presumably internet access please? As a phone I guess the alpha-numeric buttons are virtual ones? Thanks - Android 3G Smartphone

Andy98765 Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:07

As already mentioned, any Android Smartphone basically.Without any form of budget it is hard to advise.I have already mentioned one to you.

Andy98765 Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:08

Never heard of the make you have linked to, and 8G is TOOOOOO small.
The lowest I would recommend is a Motorola E5, again from Argos, it has 16G.
As one person wrote about the phone you linked to "Poor battery and even poorer phone memory for essential apps. You get what you pay for. Even with added sd card did not function well. Avoid "

owen kric Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:09

Motorola E5 looks good, with thanks 

Just to recap - is there anything else I need with this Motorola E5 in order to connect to the Internet, in the event of a power cut, please? We have infrequent power cuts here but they keep on coming. Last power cut, the landline was still up & running but everything else was down, including the home-router.

Thanks again.

EndlessWaves Publish time 2-12-2019 23:03:10

You don't need to buy anything at all if you've already got a travel router. You may even be able to unlock it to a different network, although you've already said you'd like to continue with Orange (who are now EE).

If you want a phone for other reasons, then any phone running Android should be capable of sharing it's internet connection, either to one other device via tethering or to one or more devices via a wi-fi hotspot.

I can't recommend a specific budget model as I haven't looked into them but I'd definitely suggest an established brand sold by a UK company rather than buying one direct from an unknown Chinese manufacturer as you're likely to get at least some support if anything major happens.
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