BigStu1972 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:01

Dartford Judo Club is the national training centre so yes, lots of GB squad members training there.
FYI the mat fees are 3 quid for junior members and 4 quid for non;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

willywinker Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:01

Thanks, typically the junior days clash with both his karate and the self defence classes i want him to do.

BigStu1972 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:01

Karate, self defence and now you want him to do Judo as well. Are you training him up to be the next Jason Bourne?

willywinker Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:02

Why not lol he is a very active kid. He knows loads of wrestling ground moves already that i know work from first hand experience lol. He is tiny i want him ready for any potential bullies when he starts big school next year

Funnily enough he is a dead eye with a bb gun too hehe and he hacked his club penguin account

BluceRee Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:02

Just had a look at this, I assume your sons the small one in white?
Obviously the kid he is sparring with is a lot bigger and looks like he is taking it easy. From what I have seen the small kid in white had poor defense from punches as he eats a lots to the face. He needs to keep his hands up and learn to move his head more. When I switched from Karate to Muay thai I got hammered for months as the traditional Karate stance is very upright and stiff. What I learnt in Karate worked against other Karate ka but not against other skilled stand up fighters.
From what you have said in some of your other posts you seem to want to train your boy to become some sort of lethal weapon, if thats the case he should quit Karate and do some Boxing or MT and then mix it up with some BJJ or Sub Wrestling or even Judo as was mentioned by another poster, bascially an MMA club but he may be too young for that at the moment

willywinker Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:03

His cousin was taking it easy just so riku could get a feel for fighting and take a couple of digs in the face before he went off to to the world champs in serbia. When he goes karate its only 20% fighting 80% kata so i wanted him to experience taking a whack before we went serbia. He has a lot to work on if he wants to the imac i promised him if he gets a medal at the world champs in sheffield next year lol.

If my son agrees we will be swapping out 2 of the 3 karate lessons a week for some self defence classes that my cousin runs(guy in the video)and that covers a large spectrum of what he calls the bits that work from diff martial arts. Boxing wing chun bjj muay thai. Keep him in the karate club just so he can compete every now and again.

Bonus of it being my cousin is no insurance worries so can go hell to leather lol

I really think after seeing the competitors at the world champs myson could well have an imac next yr

It was me who mentioned the judo got the only purpose built judo club in the country at the end of my road lol it was made for olympic training

BluceRee Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:03

I guess it boils down to what your son wants to do. If he enjoys sport Karate then why not let him continue doing that.
EDIT: Just saw your post where you said you pay £75 per grading so I can see why you'd want to take him out of that club.

Fyi, if I had that Judo club on my doorstep I'd take my son there. Most Judo clubs let you have the first couple of lessons for free and they won't rip you off with stupid £75 grading fees. Of course he'd have to wait until he was 16 before he could get his black belt, but that's a good thing.

With regards to your Cousin, just curious, but what rank does he hold in BJJ?

willywinker Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:03

I`m not entirely sure what rank my cousin is in bjj,hwill find out on wednesday when my boy starts his self defence class. Been told there is a competition this week in east london with the karate club but its 25 quid a category!? My boy is down to do 4 categories 2 kata and 2 kumite.. How can a competition be this expensive? I refuse to pay that and have only put him in for the 2 fighting categories..when we go to the comp i will do some investigating on prices..

BigStu1972 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:03

sounds like a massive cash cow to me.

BluceRee Publish time 2-12-2019 21:31:03

that does sound expensive.
You ever heard of a website called Bullshido?
If not you should take a look as inbetween all the cursing and chest thumping, there is a lot of usefull information from some very experianced martial artists.
I think the forum was set up originally to investigate fraudalent MA instructors, you know the type that boast about being black belts in dozens of styles or claim to be a 10th dan and yet they are only 30 years old . Another area that they exposed, which another poster on here already mentioned, are Mcdojo's. Clubs that charge a lot for everything and give out black belts to the kids whose parents pay the most for it 
Anyway you should check it out and maybe ask others in there what they think of the fees you are being asked to pay.
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