Technically not a sport, although there is a huge sporting element of it in a bulk of clubs nowadays but this is where I'm putting it.Any Karate-ka around these forums?
If so where do you train and what style? there is a few on here and am sure they will be around to post in a bit.
Do you train yourself? I do train myself.I'm an instructor based just outside Glasgow. I posted a thread a while ago asking who trained martial arts and what form.
I'm on my phone now so I can't find the link.
I'm sure there were some votes for karate. My youngest boy started recently and is enjoying it. His name is Cai so I call him Cobra Cai. He doesn't like it so he karate chops me to the nutsack! He's such a rascal. My 13yo is working towards his 2nd Dan at the moment.
Of course, I can still kick his ass when it is required ! You hope! or rather, "at the moment".....  Ban all his IP addys at the click of a mouse = win every time !Fight dirty I say  2nd Dan at 13? that's not good