Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:57
Yeah it seems easy to get to him, hope he don't turn into Carr when he was at the Texans.
IL Cattivo
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:57
I notice that opponents are also finding it quite easy to get to Brady & Rogers these days after the off-season OL rebuilds of both teams....
Just shows how imperative it is to have a solid OL in place to give any QB a chance of moving the ball down field. Rogers & Brady are taking some punishment this season the likes Carr used to take in his Texans days...
The end to that GB @ SEA game Monday night was a complete farce! These officials really are 3rd or 4th rate. They haven't a clue, yet the League is still willing to roll with them.  
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:57
Yeah the pats lost 2 of the best linemen I was sure Waters would be back as well. I think it should be better soon dante scarnecchia always seems to do a great job every year. I thought the pats game was awful as well, officiating wise made it very interesting though.
Well talking about the refs at least they have the contract sorted now.
IL Cattivo
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:57
Amen to that... 
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:58
It was actually strangely enjoying the none calls I liked seeing receivers fight the cornerbacks.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:58
Well getting close and now I do my normal trick of really regretting not being organised enough to get tickets earlier for the IS game. I really really really need to sort it out!
Obviously loads on Ebay but from the prices I am guessing they are mostly touted - from my experience there are loads of tickets that become available for this so am only going to look to pay face value. In previous years there have been a lot of genuine fans selling spares outside but this year there may be 2 of us going and wanted to sit together which might limit it.
The nfluk site does not allow trading (and dont think the following is big enough to get much luck on here but does anyone know of other ways to connect to other fans that are simply looking to sell on spares?
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:58
Thought for completeness sake I'd give an update. These arrived a week after ordering (only got them yesterday though as was on holiday) and after trying on a $250 elite jersey in a Nike shop in the US I can say that there's very little noticeable difference between them and the ones I ordered. It maybe slightly lighter then the expensive one it I'm really grasping at straws to find any differences. So I'm more then happy to save over £300 on my 2 jerseys!
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:58
I'm tempted I gotta say, its mad how cheap they can make it.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:59
Think your positive feedback might be enough to tempt me into making a purchase!
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:59
The more relevant question is how cheap they can sell it. No one is really disputing that major clothes manufacturers take advantage of cheap third world labour and use their marketing might to sell western consumers a £50 tee that costs a fraction of that to make
£300 saving or not, for me personally would not be supporting a fake Chinese seller. Who knows where the money is going