IL Cattivo
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:50
Bit late now, but maybe next year we should rally around for an AVF Fantasy League on Am sure we could russell up 12-14 people to participate from this thread.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:51
That would have been a great idea must remember to do it next year.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:51
It came down to the wire but finally an agreement regarding tv rights. Here's the tweet from the NFL.
“@nfl_uk: Sky Sports agree 3-year deal to show live American Football in the UK. 60 plus live NFL games a season, Super Bowl XLVII & @nflredzone”
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:51
Slightly off topic but has anyone used these sites before?
NFL Apparel, Merchandise, and NFL Jerseys - College Fan Gear, NCAA Jerseys | FansEdge - Everything for the Fan
Sportswear Shop | NBA NFL MLB Clothes | Basketball Equipment Store
Currently going through an American sports phase with my clothing 
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:51
No..Just ordered some stuff from football fanatics in the US so will let you know how that goes.
Grabbing a beanie , beanie and a Justin Smith jersey .Should be herein about a week or so.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:51
Not used them but am just about to out an order in with a group of mates with these people. I've not used them before but a few people in the group have and say its about a 6 week delivery period.
Elite jerseys at less then £20 (getting a couple at that price)can't be complained at when the ones from the NFL website are over £100! I have used football fanatics before for a specific hat but shipping cost more then the hat did!
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:52
Gone with football fanatics as they can get the shirt here in time for wembley where as the nfl webby etc couldn't.
Well worth the 25 dollar expedited shipping for that
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:52
Got to be fakes though, surely. Just too cheap to be real and with an extended delivery period prob just making sure they can get the stock in from China..........
I dont know, could be another reason, but jsut looks too cheap for something that has only just come out.
Not saying you should or shouldn't but obviously be very aware of what you are actually getting.
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:52
And great news about Sky soring out the games as well - that is my Sunday night sorted for a few months but I think the misses is going to be gutted - I guess the multiroom will come in handy and just need Downtown Abbey confirmed for Sunday nights now to keep her happy!
A yank mate was talking about going to a bar in London called Sports Bar and Grill that apparently show the games on Sundays and get a good crowd in there for them - anyone been?
Publish time 2-12-2019 21:22:53
Oh yeah there is no way that they are real! But at £19 it's not a massive risk, plus the guys who have used them before are very happy with what they've received in the past.