ldoodle Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:49

Does anyone know why players 'apologise' if the ball hits the net and goes over?

Is that not like football players apologising if it hits the post/crossbar and goes in?

Greg Hook Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:49

You wouldn't get a footballer apologising for anything, so that's a moot point right away. 

gorfuc Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:49

Really, anything to back that up? 

gorfuc Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:49

It's just what I've seen from her interviews, she seems to have a mood on most of the time, when she walks onto the court at Wimbledon with the crowd going mental for her, she doesn't even acknowledge them with a simple smile or wave, plus I can't stand her child like manner on court if things aren't going for her.

An example of someone who does seem a nice person with a good attitude is Sabine Lisicki.

IL Cattivo Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:50

Not exactly gonna be jumping for joy with all smiles during a post match interview having just lost an important match.

Laura Robson was pretty much the same in her post match interview! Loses like that, when you're expected to win, are tough on these top players and thus I wouldn't really expect them to act any different. Also bare in mind that this is their livelihood as well as simply a game where records, stats and trophies are at stake....

Everyone's different and deals with it in their own way.

IL Cattivo Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:50

Just watched Novak Djokovic being interviewed by Sue B.. The guy interviews very well and comes across as a real stand up guy.

Top bloke...

EarthRod Publish time 2-12-2019 21:16:50

Don't forget Laura is only 19.

How does her child like manner on court if things aren't going for her compare to Andy Murray's?

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