faiz0 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:30

A feather edge to the keeper is one thing, edging to slip is something else completely!

JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:31

If you know then you know, these batsmen know if its a nick or a clout

djdhrubs Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:32


I actually don't care about the opinion of ex Aussie legends, who probably wouldn't have walked (other than Gilchrist). If you feather a really thin edge, you can get away with it.

If you nick it as much as Broad did, it's just plain embarrassing for yourself and your team if you don't walk!

Broad has a history of showing poor sportsmanship. There have been occasions where he's just stood his ground despite being given out. He comes across as being a bit of an arrogant prick.

But even he was standing around afterwards with his head down, really embarrassed!


JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:32

So it's ok not to walk if you dont catch it quite as hard, even if you do know and the replays show it 

Nobody walks in international cricket anymore, your living in the past.

Yes it would be great if everyone played "in the spirit of the game" at this level but it won't happen. The umpires are paid to make the correct decision and its their fault they got it wrong. It's no worse than Clarkes the other year when he middled it into his thigh loop and up for an easy catch and then just stood there

This is what the DRS system was created for, if the Aussies hasn't been so frivolous with their use of it they would have sent broad packing

djdhrubs Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:32

In my opinion, everyone should walk if they know they've hit it. I don't think it's living in the past, because plenty of people still do it.

That said, it's not embarrassing if someone stands there after getting a feather on it. Often, replays themselves are inconclusive, even with a feather. You can't see any deflection on the ball, and snicko ends up being equivocal. Especially for leg side dismissals for whatever reason.

However, when you do what Broad did, with such a big deflection, it's embarrassing. For him, and for his team.

Did you notice Broad's body language and facial expression in the minutes afterwards, and when he came off at the end of play? It was obvious he was deeply embarrassed by the whole situation, that he knew he'd done the wrong thing.

Something like this can totally overshadow your team's performance, which is why it's important. Winning is great, but if you do it in an embarrassing way, it doesn't feel quite as sweet.

Not for everyone, anyway!

As for the Clarke incident, he was himself embarrassed, and apologised later for it.


JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:33

He did apologise, and got castigated by some of his own teammates for it

In the recent words of sir Geoffrey boycott, you're living in cuckoo land

faiz0 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:33

I don't think it's too much to ask of players to walk when they are caught at slip, or as in the case of Ramdin to tell the umpire that they've actually dropped the ball before celebrating a wicket.

Anyway, we're obviously not going to agree on this. Looks like this will be the killer partnership, the one that secures the game. Expect Anderson and Swann to run through them this afternoon.

djdhrubs Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:33

Amen to that!

I just think if people play by different sets of rules, it's not a fair game. I also think that if a match might be determined by how skilfully you learn to play the 'review' system, it also takes something away from the game.

At the moment, Cook is better at using the review system than Clarke. Wow! What a fantastic sportsman he is! Which cricket academy did he learn those skills at!


faiz0 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:33

Massive wicket that, a real bonus. This final session is going to be critical to the outcome of the match.

djdhrubs Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:34

Spot on. One team won because they're better at using the review system than the other.

I know the Aussies had some luck too, with the Trott LBW, but a mistake like that is very difficult to spot. I saw that in real time, and like most people, thought it was plumb LBW.

Similarly the wicket-taking ball at the end, the umpire didn't quite notice the thin edge. Forgiveable error but the right decision made in the end.

But missing the Broad wicket is an obvious and unforgiveable error. How many more runs did that partnership add? 50-60 runs? If the umpire had spotted that obvious edge, the Aussies would have won this game.


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