Lee Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:27

Amazing indeed and how much has Hughes improved since last time when any bouncer would get him out.

What's happening with these tv umpires lately . Absolutely shocking decision to give Trott out, the ball moved a mile off the edge.

djdhrubs Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:27

This kind of thing happens so often you can understand why India are so reticent to take it up.

hutch Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:27

What a superb couple of days, can't wait for today!

JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:28

Australia make the breakthrough, pietersen bowled for 64

121-3, lead of 56

djdhrubs Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:29

Good sportsmanship from Broad. I don't expect anything less from the prick.


JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:30

The likes of Shane warne and Glenn McGrath agree that broad didnt have to walk, most Aussies have it instilled in them not to but let's not miss a chance to bash broad I suppose 

The mistake was the umpires and the blame lays there, already we have had a few contentious decisions that could effect the outcome of the game

stunno Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:30

This made me laugh. It's the TMS excerpt from when Broad didn't walk.

Agger's righteous indignation that he didn't walk with Sir Geoffrey giggling and catcalling in the background!

BBC Radio 5 live - The Ashes, Test Match Special, 12/07/2013, The Ashes: Broad caught at slip appeal turned down

JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:30


Yes it's supposed to be the gentleman a game but its changed a lot in the last decade and there's enough examples of others not walking. The Aussies wouldn't do it, they have said as much. Australia wasted their reviews too which could have done them a favour

Lest we forget the other decisions this match this far...

faiz0 Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:30

When you edge the ball as clearly as broad did, you just have to walk. The umpires decision is almost irrelevant. Broad always thinks he's not out when given out lbw, now he's extended it to being caught!

JimmyMac Publish time 2-12-2019 21:13:30

Can't agree, it's the umpires job to call it, blatant or not. Seems some Aussie legends believe that too
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