safcalibur Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:03

After much deliberation I ordered the fight, so looking forward to it very much. I've watched his latest fights and although a great technician I find him so boring and very arrogant. A lot of the thoughts about the fight have already been mentioned and I agree this fight should have happened a few years back. Been umming and ahhing for a while now as to whether or would be worth it but any glimmer of hope that MW could get spanked is too good to pass! Hoping beyond hope that Manny pulls a win out of the bag, I just hope that politics and money don't stand in the way and that Manny just goes for him relentlessly.

I sincerely hope that what happened to Brona happens to MW, to relive that moment and have that feeling once again wouldbe amazing! The look of absolute shock and disbelief on Bronas face was priceless, but I reckon that in order for the same to happen Manny would have to KO MW as anything else and it'll be a MW victory. Counting down the hours now lol!

realfrankturner Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:03

Mayweather the Chelsea of boxing 

addyb Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:03

No way will MW win by KO. Not a chance. I really want pacman to do it but I personally think it will be an easy points win for MW.

Would love manny to spark him out in the 3rd though 

cabanatuan Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:04

What is the earliest time they could comeout?

Phil1975 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:05

3.45am according to Sky Sports earlier.

qwerty321 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:06

An article on The Telegraph has it down as 4am which is generally what I am for the Vegas main events. Usually get up earlier if I have interest in the undercard.

paul1979 Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:06

Long it goes the more in favour for paceman. He punches more and lands a good few. This is what makes the points and counts. Only way money wins is with a KO (I hope not and unlikely unless paceman is reckless) or a very biased decision.

I really think money is scared. It been avoided so long. He seems less sure of a win IMO. He struggles with south paw. Will need to be aggressive making him more open. He lacks the power of paceman.

Also psychology though the fav he knows the world is wanting paceman to win.

mhorton Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:07

Saw that as well. Apparently that's the earliest they are allowed to start. Not sure what to do, go to bed then wake up, or just try and stick it out watching the undercard.

cabanatuan Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:07

Reason why I ask is because I'm heading to a rave now and wanna make sure I'm back at home that time . Thanks all

Strobe Publish time 2-12-2019 20:57:08

BBC 5 Live now have live radio rights ...
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