chopples Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:42

I had a problem with a clevo which resulted in very high temps. The turbo boost feature was stuck at 100% no matter what i did. There was a fix but I am struggling to find it at the mo. When you monitor the cpu via task manager is the speed fluctuating or is it at max all the time? If it is stuck on max then go into power options and try using power saver and see if the turbo boost works correctly

With regards to the GPU it is a dedicated solution, there will be a separate nvidia chip with its own ram soldered onto the mobo. The laptop will probably be using optimus which basically mean it will fall back to the intel gpu for light tasks to help with battery life. The only time the nvidia gpu shares anything with the intel one is when connecting the laptop to an external display and thats only because the HDMI/display port goes through the intel chip. In the nvidia graphics options there should be an option to enable a context menu so you can manually select which gpu to use when launching an app. There will also be an option in the nvidia control panel to set the default gpu for various apps

edit.. I think the best power setting may have been "balanced" this allowed speed step to operate correctly whilst still being able to go max turbo boost when required


=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:42

I will check the settings after the game and report back. Thank you for that 

=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:42

The speed fluctuates. I can see it in both, HardwareMonitor and TaskManager. It goes to as low as 400MHz, to almost 4000MHz when under load. You can even see that in the screenshot in post 1.

The power setting is on "Dell", so it is optimised by Dell software.

wysinawyg Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:43

It’s basically a design decision to keep it thinner, lighter and quieter:

Opinion: It\'s time we talked about throttling in reviews

Not something Apple is immune to either:

MacBook Pro 15 mid-2017 thermal throttling

Basically people put components in laptops that look great for sales but are fundamentally more than the form factor can handle.

Short of external cooling the best option (albeit a terrible one I’m not really suggesting) would be to strip it, remove all the heat sinks and replace the thermal paste with liquid metal.

=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:43

What's surprising though, is that I had a nose around, and I can't really see many instances where people mention reaching those kind of temps. Not a single comment about those Dell's reaching 100 either. It honestly looks like it is just this machine. I know most people wouldn't even check or notice, but some would. I would quite gladly take temps in 80s under load, but a 100 is pretty extreme.

shotokan101 Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:44

Get it replaced - without jeopardising your right to a full refund if replacement behaves the same - asap or return for refund and move on.....


=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:44

It is one from outlet, I don't know how long will I have to wait for another one. I will send the technician email today and he can connect to it tomorrow and try to fix it again. I need to think about it all but have really busy week ahead

=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:44

The truth of the matter is that I don't really want to send it back  I really like it want to keep it, just want to make it work. It's that only thing that makes it unusable for me. If I get the thermal issue fixed, it will be an ideal laptop for me. It is super fast and the screen is just gorgeous. I really want the issue to just go away

=adrian= Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:45

Updating in case anyone still follows this thread.

I have a Dell technician coming to replace the fan and check a few things. It was a nightmare to get him scheduled because they only operate during working hours Mon - Fri. Eventually we manage to get it booked but it will be a week and half away. It actually took a strongly worded email to get that happened because they started suggesting some silly stuff. Anyway, I hope it will be the end of the problems.

AMc Publish time 2-12-2019 06:56:46

I've had Dell do a home visit to replace a heatsink under warranty.The chap who came was very professional and helpful.He also ran some other diagnostics and updated the BIOS.Things which I'd struggled to do using their standard labyrinthine support site.
It took me ages to discover that what I thought was a software/driver issue was actually a recall fault with the laptop thanks to the graphics card manufacturer.
I got the impression that he was used to doing business calls and a cup of tea and a biscuit were unusual.
Good luck!
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